Sunday, May 31, 2009

Every end.. is just a new beginning.

I am new to this blog thing, but very interested in it.. like a diary of my life. We will see if I can keep it up :)

I have never owned much. My parents gave me cars until I got married, and then Tim gave me one as a gift. I lived in a dorm, and then an apartment, and now we rent a house. So owning something.. that is a pretty new concept for me. But.. I found this house.. and it is not a perfect house. It needs cleaning, and paint. It needs washing, and love. But when I am there.. it feels like home. And my mom said it right.. "there is just something special.. when it feels like home". So since Easter we have been trying to buy this house.. and it has not been easy. We have gotten our hopes up.. to have them let down. We have been excited, and I have cried. And I have prayed through it all that the Lord would let what is best happen.. and if what they tell me is true.. we will be homeowners on Thursday. Can you believe that? I will own a home on Thursday. I will post pictures one day soon.. because I want you to see this little house that I love..

Also, it is summertime! And I am excited.. and I love summer! But.. I am a little bored at home and maybe a little lonely.. I was thinking of a part time summer job maybe? I am looking into it! I am sure I will post again soon! Add yourself to my page if you want.. so I can add myself to yours!

God is so good.