Tuesday, February 9, 2010


For a long time, I admittedly was a negative finder. Probably due to my own insecurities, I could find the negative in people.. in situations.. in areas of my life that I didn't feel totally confident about... or maybe felt jealous of. Now I am not saying I was "Debbie Downer" many of these negative findings I didn't share with anyone or if I did share.. it was only with close friends and family. But now.. I look back and feel sorry for myself. Feel sorry that I was so negative, that I didn't give people and things and situations a chance to be beneficial, I just turned my nose up and wrote things off.

I can tell you this deep dark secret now, because I am somewhat reformed. Now, I do still fuss. I do still get my feathers ruffled. But I find myself taking many more opportunities to see the good. I find myself looking past my own shortcomings to take joy in the success of others. And I, my friends, think this is called maturity. I think that unselfishly wanting good for others is not a quality we are born with. I think that it takes a conscious effort on our parts.. to stop.. look past ourselves, and look out for others.

Moving along.. :) Tonight is Chris and Jacob's last basketball game. I hope Jacob is able to go. Tim and my dad did a wonderful job coaching them. I think daily about how blessed I am to have two such amazingly selfless men around :)

My heart continues to heal as we adjust to life without Gracie Mae and Jacob. Aunt Tina has offered so many comforting words.. the day they left.. she told me that it was not the end.. and I think about that all the time and find such peace. She also reminded me of how God is taking care of them, and how he loves them even more than I do. And I know He will take care of them. God has a plan for us and them, and I feel like our paths will cross again. :)

This weekend is Mardi Gras! I am so excited! My family, mama and daddy, Bert and a friend! We just really hang out, eat, catch beads, I look forward to it so much every year!

I hope Valentine's Day won't be a total wash since it is on a Sunday.. guess we will see :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I saw where someone blogged about all the things they currently love.. in honor of the month of LOVE!

My love list goes something like this.. :)

Sunday naps
sweet tea
bravo (the channel)
being really loved by my husband
good grades on test by my students
walking at the Y
having top of the line parents
my church family
often times my sanity.. Lauren Locklear.
the way being a proud "parent" feels
Clean House Fridays thanks to Ms. Becky
being part of a really close extended family
Fort Dale Softball!
having a Christian Bossman
being able to look forward to our SPRING BREAK CRUISE!
for the first time in a long time.. feeling really confident about my decisions!

..more to come I am sure :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Great Risks.

I have never heard a sermon before and thought.. this sermon, this day, was meant for me. I felt that way Sunday. And when church was over.. all the people I love and who knew my situation said.. this sermon, this day, was meant for you.

Take Great Risks. Don't sit still. Don't be content with comfortable. Don't pass up opportunities because you don't want to be inconvienced. Don't make decisions based on fear, make them based on faith.

When Grace and Jacob left, heartbroken is an understatement. And I told DHR, and I told everyone else.. we were done taking babies for awhile. My heart needed to recover. And I meant that.. and then.. along came Tiffany. When DHR called and asked us about a teenager.. we were both (tim and I) very unsure. I can't spell things and a teenager not understand them (like the kids), I can't go to bed at 8 (which I enjoy doing), I can't..., I can't.. I can't... Isn't it terrible that I wasn't thinking about all the good I could do.. isn't it terrible that I was going to let late nights, and secrets keep me from doing what God has put on my heart.. helping children. Well Tiffany.. came. And we love her already. She is smart, and kind. She is helpful and thoughtful. Already, she is such a huge asset to our family.

..and maybe God sent Grace and Jake home to make room for Tiffany.. who knows. All I am sure of is there is a plan so much bigger than my mind can grasp.. there are so many wonderful things in store for us.

And just to give you something to laugh about.. I am now a parent to a high schooler at my Alma Mater! Talk about giving people something to talk about... :)