I am not sure how many of you know that Tim is a football referee. Every Friday night I lose him to the guys on his crew and some high school team somewhere in southish Alabama. If you have never had a close relationship with a referee.. you probably don't quite understand how you look as a fan (not all of you, just to clarify). It has been my experience that most teams decide pretty early on in the game that the refs are out to get them. Maybe they think that it is a personal reason, something that the referees are holding against them from years prior, maybe the refs just plain dont like their school.. whatever it is.. the team you are rooting for is most likely, if not regularly, at least occasionally, viewed by you and your fellow fans as the victim.
When Tim first started refereeing it would hurt my feelings so when people would yell at him. They would criticize the decision that he made, or nag him about something they think he didnt see (and for the record, No, he is not blind. :) )
I would want to fuss back and tell them he was doing the best he could. I mean lets get real honest.. giving up your Friday night for pennies.. it isn't because you want to do a great injustice to a high school team.. its because you love the game.. and you want to be involved. With that said, I am sure he does miss an occasional call and he would probably even tell you in retrospect that he should have done some things differently.. but at the end of the day.. he is doing the very best he can.
I guess the humorous part to me is when referees make calls that benefit your team.. they are brilliant for that moment.. but in the blink of an eye.. when you are penalized.. it is back to.. "where in the world did they find these guys..".
On just Tims crew in past years I have seen the air let out of their tires, grown men follow them to their cars after games wanting to fight, I have seen police escorts for the referres, I have heard hurtful names called, and I guess I say all that to say.. I have seen how being a fan doesnt always bring out the best in people.
And now I will admit, myself included. Growing up in my daddy's house you pretty much had two options.. learn to love watching sports.. or spend alot of time extremely bored. So I learned to love. And Tim now is very thankful to my dad for this result. I have stood in front of the tv in my own home yelling. Yelling at the refs (or umpires), yelling at the coaches, and telling everyone in the room how things "should have been done". Being a fan doesnt always bring out the best in me.
We will add that to be list of things I am working on :)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
A Village.
One of my facebook friends recently made their status about "the village". You know the theoretical village that helps us raise our children. They had a negative view of this "village" that we all referred to. And everyone is totally entitled to their own opinion.. thank goodness.. because if you know me you know I have mine! :)
It did make me think though. It made me think of my children's "village". And I cannot help but smile as I write this :) Our village is full of teachers and preachers and successful business employees. Our village is full of hard workers and overachievers and some of the most selfless people that exist in the world today. Our village is full of praying people, faithful, God fearing people. Our village has a strong history, and a bright future. We are made up of all ages and both genders. We are colorful and beautiful. And my children have been and will be so blessed by this "village" that we are apart of.
Since becoming a foster parent.. literally since the first hour of my first call almost 2.5 years ago.. I have totally understood the concept of "It takes a village to raise a child". We counted on others for baby beds, and toys, and really teaching us how to be parents. Our families are of course a major part of our village, but so is our church family. Bible school teachers, and song leaders, and sweet faces to look up to. All of my children who have been school age have had sweet teachers, and kind principals. Just a total positive experience. I am thankful that my children will not solely count on Tim and I to fulfill every role. I am thankful that we have such a strong "village" to make up for our lackings.
It did make me think though. It made me think of my children's "village". And I cannot help but smile as I write this :) Our village is full of teachers and preachers and successful business employees. Our village is full of hard workers and overachievers and some of the most selfless people that exist in the world today. Our village is full of praying people, faithful, God fearing people. Our village has a strong history, and a bright future. We are made up of all ages and both genders. We are colorful and beautiful. And my children have been and will be so blessed by this "village" that we are apart of.
Since becoming a foster parent.. literally since the first hour of my first call almost 2.5 years ago.. I have totally understood the concept of "It takes a village to raise a child". We counted on others for baby beds, and toys, and really teaching us how to be parents. Our families are of course a major part of our village, but so is our church family. Bible school teachers, and song leaders, and sweet faces to look up to. All of my children who have been school age have had sweet teachers, and kind principals. Just a total positive experience. I am thankful that my children will not solely count on Tim and I to fulfill every role. I am thankful that we have such a strong "village" to make up for our lackings.
They just show on up.. with that big ole heart.. :)
People keep telling me they are sorry my pregnancy is going how it is. How they hope now I can “enjoy” it. I want you to know that I have really deep down enjoyed it. I guess I should explain why people probably think I am miserable and counting the days until this ends.
Two Sundays ago I wasn’t feeling well. I stayed home from church Sunday night and about the time Tim left something felt very wrong. I tried to call him and dad but they were at church so I just waited. I hurt. Bad hurt. Unbearable. Make you sick to your stomach hurt. I cried. I was sick. It was terrible. When Tim finally came home I knew I needed to go to the ER.. but in case you weren’t aware.. when you go to the ER pregnant.. they are pretty much scared of you. And they don’t do a lot to help you. So I decided that I was going to tough it out through the night. I did not sleep. Tim did not sleep. The pain was unreal. We tried everything. Tylenol. Warm showers. Everything. Nothing made it stop. I called my DR at 8am and they told me they would get back to me “Sometime today”. Well, you know me. I headed on up there. Dad drove me. When I got to the DR they had not called me back. So I went in (after some insisting from dad). My DR was in surgery so they sent me to the OB Triage at the hospital.. kind of an ER just for pregnant ladies.. but the catch is you have to be sent there by your DR. I spent a whole day in there. At the end of the day they told me they were admitting me. After three days of people trying to figure out what to do with me. Three days of me crying in total fear for me and our little girl. I had surgery. The nurse told me it took about an hour and twenty minutes. Our girl was strong and her mama was at least now in the process of healing. I had to have a stent from my kidney on down.. the most painful thing ever. I got it out 7 days later. I was sore 1 more day.. but since I feel like a new person. For almost a week and a half though I was totally out of commission and totally dependent on EVERYONE.
In this whole ordeal my little guy was running about 103 temperature. Mama and Daddy took care of him at night, and Aunt Tina and her family during the day. Grandmamaand Granddaddy took care of Tiffany. Mama came to the hospital after work, and daddy came each chance he got. Tim spent every night. The day of surgery gmom and gdad, Aunt Marinda and Uncle Rick, Mama and Daddy, Tim, and Mr. Ronnie all came to the hospital. It meant so much. When I got home Ms. Mary David, Lauren, Ms. Sharon, Ms. Cindy, Ms. Loretta, Ms. Jewel, and Ms. Julie from church all cooked for me. It was kind of a throw back to that song.. “You find out who your friends are…” I know I am blessed with many more “friends” than just these. But these meant so much to me at such a hard time. I know with our sweet girls delivery less than 10 weeks away we will again be overwhelmed by love and support by the people closest to us. God has blessed us. Blessed us with amazing people to love, and be loved by. I am thankful every single day.
My sweet man continues to be one of my greatest joys. He totally has my heart. Please pray harder now than ever. I will keep you posted but October is the BIG month. So pray, pray, pray. And let me thank you in advance. I know God hears all of us. And I have confidence in our future as a family.
I know this blog was a little boring! I just needed to type it all out for myself. Have a record that I survived it :)
Love to each of you my sweet friends :)
Two Sundays ago I wasn’t feeling well. I stayed home from church Sunday night and about the time Tim left something felt very wrong. I tried to call him and dad but they were at church so I just waited. I hurt. Bad hurt. Unbearable. Make you sick to your stomach hurt. I cried. I was sick. It was terrible. When Tim finally came home I knew I needed to go to the ER.. but in case you weren’t aware.. when you go to the ER pregnant.. they are pretty much scared of you. And they don’t do a lot to help you. So I decided that I was going to tough it out through the night. I did not sleep. Tim did not sleep. The pain was unreal. We tried everything. Tylenol. Warm showers. Everything. Nothing made it stop. I called my DR at 8am and they told me they would get back to me “Sometime today”. Well, you know me. I headed on up there. Dad drove me. When I got to the DR they had not called me back. So I went in (after some insisting from dad). My DR was in surgery so they sent me to the OB Triage at the hospital.. kind of an ER just for pregnant ladies.. but the catch is you have to be sent there by your DR. I spent a whole day in there. At the end of the day they told me they were admitting me. After three days of people trying to figure out what to do with me. Three days of me crying in total fear for me and our little girl. I had surgery. The nurse told me it took about an hour and twenty minutes. Our girl was strong and her mama was at least now in the process of healing. I had to have a stent from my kidney on down.. the most painful thing ever. I got it out 7 days later. I was sore 1 more day.. but since I feel like a new person. For almost a week and a half though I was totally out of commission and totally dependent on EVERYONE.
In this whole ordeal my little guy was running about 103 temperature. Mama and Daddy took care of him at night, and Aunt Tina and her family during the day. Grandmamaand Granddaddy took care of Tiffany. Mama came to the hospital after work, and daddy came each chance he got. Tim spent every night. The day of surgery gmom and gdad, Aunt Marinda and Uncle Rick, Mama and Daddy, Tim, and Mr. Ronnie all came to the hospital. It meant so much. When I got home Ms. Mary David, Lauren, Ms. Sharon, Ms. Cindy, Ms. Loretta, Ms. Jewel, and Ms. Julie from church all cooked for me. It was kind of a throw back to that song.. “You find out who your friends are…” I know I am blessed with many more “friends” than just these. But these meant so much to me at such a hard time. I know with our sweet girls delivery less than 10 weeks away we will again be overwhelmed by love and support by the people closest to us. God has blessed us. Blessed us with amazing people to love, and be loved by. I am thankful every single day.
My sweet man continues to be one of my greatest joys. He totally has my heart. Please pray harder now than ever. I will keep you posted but October is the BIG month. So pray, pray, pray. And let me thank you in advance. I know God hears all of us. And I have confidence in our future as a family.
I know this blog was a little boring! I just needed to type it all out for myself. Have a record that I survived it :)
Love to each of you my sweet friends :)