I need you to stop, and pray for me. I am not asking in a shy way or an “if you have time way”. I am asking you to stop whatever craziness is going on at this moment, and pray for me. Being 34 weeks pregnant is such an emotional time anyway from what I understand, and on top of that my heart is so vulnerable as court for our sweet man approaches. I honestly sometimes catch myself finding it hard to breathe because I have let worry totally over take me. I know in my heart.. “Be anxious for nothing…” I know in my heart.. “all things work together for good..” For some reason I am not allowing all the promises God has made me and made my sweet boy give me the peace that I need. I am totally without any amount of control in this situation. I am totally at the mercy of those appointed to make decisions for my little guy. But most importantly, I am in the hands of a God that loves our boy even more than I do. And a God who wants what’s best for our boy even more than I am able to.
Pray for the people making decisions for my sweet little boy.
Pray for Tim and the rest of my family.
Pray for my sweet boy.
And please.. pray for me.
Love to you all.