To My Mom:
I have always known you were a wonderful mother. This year becoming a mother to my very own children has taught me a few things about how great of a mom you were growing up.. and are today.
1. You were a really good mom even when you were really tired.
Sometimes I can literally feel myself dragging out of bed. Barely getting to the room across the hall to answer the sweet calls I hear for “mama, mama”. I know that there were so many days that you were kind and funny and loving when you were really, really tired. And this birthday of mine more than ever before I recognize you for your energy, and your constant love regardless of your bad day, the late hour, or your own need for rest.
2. You really did go without for ME.
I am not lacking anything I need. I am not even lacking a lot of things that I want. But I am much more likely to buy Cates and Andrew a new outfit than myself. I probably don’t see as many movies as I’d like to.. and a lot of that has to do with the cost of daycare, diapers, formula.. etc. And it opens my eyes to the twelve years of private school you paid for Bert and I. It opens my eyes to all the new clothes we had, and special Christmas gifts. And how to make all those things happen, you probably fairly regularly went without. Thank you for that. Thank you more than I know how to say.
3. You let me move on.
You didn’t hold against me every mistake. You didn’t constantly bring up to me poor decisions. You let me learn and move on. And because of that I learned that accidents happen. Things are just that, things. If they are broken they can be replaced. I learned that sometimes we mess up. And that doesn’t make us bad people, that makes us real people. And I want to do the same for my children. Because of you Andrew will probably never be in trouble for staining up his Polo (let’s be real, it was probably only 6 dollars at a consignment sale!), Cates will never be fussed at for accidently breaking a vase or spilling a drink. Accidents happen. And when they grow up and they do something that they know is wrong, they will be punished, they will learn from it. And we will move on. Thank you for teaching me the difference in big things and little things in life, and in parenting.
4. Parenting doesn’t end…
I think now more than ever I need you and dad. I need you to make me laugh and keep me sane. I need you to encourage me and pull me through. I need you to love my children so they can know the wonderful people who shaped their mother. I am glad to know that what sometimes feels like long days and short nights and a lot of “No, No ANDREW!” turns into beautiful friendships. I am thankful that you have provided me the example of going from mother to friend as an adult. I look forward to the friendship I know Andrew, Cates and I will have as adults.
5. You taught me the beauty of No.
Because of you, I am not spoiled. I do not think the world owes me a thing. I know that it is my job to work hard, and to earn, and to be respectful. I know these things because you told me no. You told me no when I wanted something that I didn’t need and couldn’t afford, you told me no when I wanted to do something that I had been told I could not do, you told me no when you didn’t believe in what I was asking. I am thankful for that. I am thankful that I did not grow up to feel entitled. I am thankful that I learned to work hard for things I wanted. I am thankful that you were strong enough to tell me no. And I pray I can do the same for my children.
6. You went through some pain for me!!
And yes, I mean child birth. Girl, there is no way anyone can prepare you for giving birth! That is the real deal. I know you were tired while you carried me. I know for sure that your feet and back hurt for about nine good months. I know that when the day came (28 years ago!) for me to enter the world, you went through so much physically.. for me. Thank you mama. You never remind me of how hard it was or how bad you felt physically to bring me into the world.. but I do plan to remind Cates regularly of all I went thru! Guess you are kinder than me
7. Love lasts forever.
I know that there is nothing I could say or do to keep you from loving me. I know there is not a place I could move that could distance our relationship. I know that we will argue, and we will disagree, and you will love me just the same. Thank you for never making me wonder if a mistake would lead to the end of your love, thank you for the confidence you have given me in our relationship. I pray that Cates and Andrew will know that my love for them is without end. I hope they will feel the admiration for me that I feel for you.
I hope that I can be the kind of mama you have been for me, for them.
I love you forever.
Thank you for all you did for me 28 years ago.. and all you have done for me since.
To my sweet daddy..
I wrote this to mama, because this year of my life I became a mama. But I hope you know that you hold a place in my heart that no one else can touch. You are my dear friend, and my greatest encourager. I thank God for you every single day. I am so thankful that you are Bop to Andrew and Cates and that they already seem realize that you will be one of their life's biggest fans. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I love you daddy.