… for Andrew
1. Let the fact that you were chosen by me and your daddy sink in everyday.
2. Never doubt the love that we have for you. It is no different than if you had grown inside of me.
3. Take care of Cates. I love that she has a big brother, and more than that.. I love that it is you!
4. The teacher in me says.. if you get hit, tell an adult. The mama in me says knock ‘em out. I guess you will have to decide
5. You have a wonderful opportunity to be an advocate for adopted children, and bi-racial families. Take advantage. Be someone who is reputable.
6. Believe in what you pray. I prayed so many prayers for you, and I believed that God would answer me. And He did. Better than I could have ever imagined. You believe too.
7. Open doors. Pay the bill. Be a gentleman. I know you will see your daddy model this. Follow his example!
8. When someone says something mean to you, overcome the desire to spout mean back. Answer gently. Answer with kindness. (Aunt Tina is a good model to follow!)
9. Make people laugh. You already do, and it is such a great quality. Laughter is medicine.
10. Work hard. Don’t let lazy ever have a chance. Get up, do something, be active.
11. Give second chances. People are going to make mistakes, forgive them.
12. Get to know people. Don’t decide how you feel about them by how they look or what they have.
13. Hug and kiss your mama every day
14. Be proud of our family.
15. Don’t be embarrassed when your dad (or bop!) cheer too loud at your ballgames. Your daddy has waited a lot of his life to cheer on his little boy!
16. Put down your cell phone, ipad, and whatever else they will come up with in the next 15 years and just be quiet sometimes. Look around at all that God made for you to enjoy. Beautiful earth. Pretty sunsets. Sweet birds singing. Don’t miss out on those things.
17. When someone doubts your ability to do something, don’t argue with them. Prove them wrong.
18. Make really good friends. The kind that show up when you get your truck stuck, or your heart broken. And when you find those friends.. hold on tight.
19. Don’t be scared to fall in love. And if you do ever get your heart hurt, don’t be scared to try again. Most really good things in life come after you’ve gone through some tough stuff to find them.
20. When you do make mistakes. Learn their lessons. Its when you don’t learn to do better next time that you have really messed up.
21. Learn to do your own laundry, make your own bed, and cook your own food. This will earn you major points with your wife to be!
22. Always make decisions based on what God would have you to do. You will always hear.. “follow your heart”.. don’t. Follow God. Your heart is fickle and easily confused. God is constant and without change.
23. Smile at people every chance you get.
24. Learn all you can in school, you are going to have to take care of your mama one day
25. Imagine. Dream. Then make your dreams come true!
26. Never get too old to dance when a tune you like comes on the radio or television.. your spontaneous dance moves are one of my favorite things about you.
27. When people compliment you, let it soak in. A kind word can take you a long way on a hard day.
28. Win or lose.. be graceful. I have seen amazing victories tarnished by gloating.. and terrible defeats taken with heads held high.
29. Be kinder than necessary.
30. Notice people who everyone else seems to overlook. You could brighten their day, or their life.
31. Trust God.
32. You will have a lot of questions about your life. You will wonder why God put you on the path that He did. Its okay to wonder. But never doubt. Before you were made there was a plan especially for YOU! I am so glad God made me a part of it.