I have a problem. I take things personally. I am very passionate about things, and I think to an extent, that makes things feel really personal. All the time. Well, most of the time.
There have been a few times lately, that I have been able to see that other people's agendas, though they hurt me, were not meant for me. But usually I am not quite that forward with my thinking and I take things personally.
I was born and raised in a town that's best days may very well be behind it, but still when people talk negatively about MY TOWN, it hurts me. They don't mean for it to. But because I love the people there, and the memories I have, their negativity feels personal.
I am passionate about adoption. I believe in it. And when people don't see the importance in it that I do, sometimes I take that personally. And I shouldn't. But I do.
You see the problem with taking it personally is that you (I am talking to myself!) are having a really selfish view. You are seeing everything in sight of how it effects you. How you feel is always at the forefront. I think there is also some immaturity mixed in there, and probably some self esteem issues too. But, I think for the most part, it boils down to putting yourself (myself!) and your feelings ahead of most everything else.
And this is something that I am working on. I am working on being less effected by others. I am working on letting things roll off of me. I am working on forgiving and understanding. I am even working on making more allowances for people. It's in progress. Maybe it will always be. But I think by taking things personally, I am hindering my own happiness. I often seek grace, and do not as often grant it. Pray for me in my continuous journey of self improvement (it's a long list to work on!).