I wish that I could post much more often.. but time just gets away from me these days! We had a fun fourth of July.. mom and dad came over.. and Tim's dad and stepmom did as well. We had a good time. We swam and cooked out... good memories :)
The next day we left for vacation! We had a wonderful time. We went sliding down rocks, and riding up mountains. The boy really loved going to the local team's baseball game. Mr. Tim got him a balloon and that just made his day :) It was a good trip. On the way home, we stopped to see Tim's sister and everyone had a great visit. But.. when we got home.. it was a sight for sore eyes!!
This week, I am trying to focus on my classroom. I am behind in preparing some this year, but I am learning so much more how to go with the flow.. and it is working for me.
I have one day of training, and two the next. I am looking forward to them.
A big thanks to Aunt Tina for keeping the babies today. They had such a wonderful time.. and I got so much done! God has really blessed me with such a wonderful family. I am thankful every single day.
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