Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"Be the Change You Wan to See.."

Teaching six year olds when there are only seventeen days left until summer is no easy task. We are taking it one day at a time, but this week two parents have come into my chaos to tell me they know what a "hard job" I have. Haha. Most people don't think of teaching first grade as difficult, come visit me April 1- May 21 and let me change your mind :) I love my job. I think everyone who knows me, knows that. I love teaching, I love my babies, I love my school, my coworkers, my boss.. My life is better because of my job, and I hope that is shown in my interactions.

Chris turns six today. He is really embracing the idea of being a "big boy", which is needed. I spent Jacob and Grace's birthdays with them, and now one with Chris. I can't help but think about their mothers on their birthdays. The nine months she carried them, her hopes for them, and for herself. And how sure I am that things have turned out nothing like what she had hoped. It makes me sad. It also helps me remember that these are not my children, I am just filling in a gap until those mothers can get those dreams they have back on track. There is a book about being a foster mom called "The Middle Mom". It has been suggested to me, but I have not read it yet. Anyway, that is what I feel like. The mom in the middle. I wash them, and feed them, and read to them, and love them. But I did not bring them into the world, they do not carry my name, and ultimately my home is not where they want to be. Not that they are not happy while here, it's just Jacob and Chris both held/hold tightly to the idea of going home. Being with their moms. And I cannot wish any less for them.

I'll stop here for today.

1 little notes:

Annie said...

Hi there! Thanks for your encouraging comment on my blog! :) I'd love to fill you in on some pricing information about blog redesigns. If you have some time this week, send me an e-mail: I can send you more information and details that way.

(By the way, your thoughts at the end of this post are just beautiful. Very well put.)

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