I still think a crash course in adulthood is needed. I mean we take a class in everything in the world, except how to handle real life situations. What a waste. But I guess everyone's version of adulthood is different.. that's why we just have to figure it out for ourselves.
I have 18 sweet children this year, and I am really enjoying them. They are bright, and I see us accomplishing so much this year. I do feel very blessed to love my job, I think it is a rare and wonderful blessing. I go home tired, and sometimes overwhelmed, and I definitely earn my paycheck.. but at the end of the day.. I did something. I helped someone. Grandmom has already started coming and helping with my reading groups. What a relief! She has a way with the children, and they learn so much from her. She is so needed in my life and a day does not pass that I do not thank God for her.
Andrew is growing like a weed! He is six weeks old now, and finally starting to let us sleep a little bit :) Please pray it will only get better! Please pray for his future, as I ask you to do for all of our children. I am praying for more faith, and for the ability to trust God's plan no matter what happens. Hard place of comfort to find, but I am looking for it. Aunt Tina has been a huge blessing (and her babies!) keeping him while I work. I know he is safe and happy. And he will learn so much while he is there. It is a sacrifice for her I am sure, but it is not one that goes unappreciated. My family is my greatest earthly strength and encouragement. I am blessed beyond measure.
Tiffany is also doing great at school and at her job. I am so proud of her, and the progress I see her making right in front of me. I look forward to seeing her into adulthood. I know she will excel.
My new favorite quote.. I will let you know who said it as soon as I find out..
"My hope is that the love of power will be replaced by the power of love".. apply it how you see fit :)
1 little notes:
Read more: Who was it that said, "When the power of love overcomes the love of power there will be peace"?
The quote has been attributed to Jimi Hendrix, however, he may have gotten the idea for the quote from Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghose, an Indian spiritual leader who had his height of fame in the US around the time Jimi Hendrix was famous as well. The quote verbatim from Sri Chinmoy's own website is: "When the power of love Replaces the love of power, Man will have a new name: God" I still haven't found the original source of the Hendrix quote, but it is very likely that he took this quote and put his own spin on it.
Laura Mc.via Google
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