Tuesday, April 24, 2012


You know I try not to be shy about sharing things I learn the hard way. I guess that it keeps my pride in check, and maybe it can help check yours too! (if needed, of course) I have raised a teenager for almost two and half years now. Not two and a half easy years, but I am able to say that they have been educational and at times inspiring. In this time I have been aggrevated at times with other teen parents. I thought.. wow, they straight let them run wild, or why are they giving up on them this late in the game?! I would see them wearing things that I know probably wasn't best, I would hear them say things that I knew they should know better than to say, their facebooks would make me blush, and through all of this I have thought... WHERE IS YOUR MAMA???????

Now I know the answer to what's happening with their parents. They are tired. And by tired I mean, even if they wanted to say stop, don't do it, they literally have lost the energy to say it. I know this because after 2.5 years I am tired. I am tired of correcting. I am tired of redirecting. I am tired.

Now, does that mean we should give up? No. Does that justify lowering our standard to prevent more draining arguments? No.

But what it does mean is.. we need to give each other a break. And, if you are close enough to a teenager to help them stay on track.. please do so! Sometimes one person can only say something so many times before it is totally tuned out. And maybe these tired mamas are still trying, and they are just being ignored. All I know is.. it takes a team. If you know my teenager and have an opportunity to encourage or reprimand her. Please do so. I need your help. So do other mamas. Let's all help each other.. college is just around the corner! (kidding, well mostly kidding.)

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