Friday, May 4, 2012

Full plate.

People around me are always talking about how stressed they are. Stressed due to responsibilities at work, home, church, with friends and family. Stressed.

And sometimes I get caught in that mindset. I spend my day with children literally from the moment I wake up until the moment we all pass out. I start my day with my own.. trying to feed, change, dress. I spend the next eight to nine hours with my students.. trying to teach, reteach, love, and repeat. I come back home and there are papers to sign, dinner to cook, bottles to make, bathes to give, prayers to pray, and so on. And that's alot.

But what would I do without it?! What would I do with all my time? I love waking up to Cates' coos. I love hear "Mrs. Croleyyyyyyyy" all day. I love the life I lead, and I love love love the people in it!

The truth is, I am not stressed. I am busy. I lead a full life. I am blessed beyond measure with things to fill my days.

My plate is full, and I am thankful for it.

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