2015 has had it's fair share of difficult days so far. Certainly, there have been good days all along, but as a whole the last couple of months have been a struggle. I have seen people I love sick and in pain, people close to me have experienced true tragedy, I've heard mean words said, and people important to me have died.
It has been hard to watch people I love hurt. It has taken more from me, and been harder on me than I would have thought. And while I guess most of the difficulties I have dealt with have been more indirect than direct pains, they have felt substantial.
And in general, I think of myself as an encourager. I really think it is my gift from God, my strong suit. I am never happier than when I am in service to others. I really do look for opportunities to build people up. And I do not say that bragging, because I assure you there are more things I don't do that I should, than things that actually get done. But I say all that to say, I don't usually need a lot of building up. I am more of a doer than a "needer".
But lately, I have needed encouragement. Not a huge showing, not anything out of anyone's way.. just a call or a card or a whisper of love. And a lot of days, I got just what I needed.. and some days, no one called. And that's okay. Because most people are just surviving their own lives and situations. Most people probably needed a call themselves. But for some reason, on those days without encouragement, it really hurt my feelings.
But now that I have had a little bit of time, and a little bit of distance, I can see that what I was looking for in others was right in front of me. What I was looking for in others, God wanted me to take from Him. Comfort. Strength. Peace. Understanding.
And I am thankful for the reminder that God can meet all my needs, if I will let Him. I am thankful for the opportunity to lean more strongly on Him on the days when no one calls.
And I am really thankful for the people who do call. They encourage me to be more involved in the lives of others. They encourage me to work to meet the needs of others. They make me better and stronger. And more prepared for the days when no one calls.
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