Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Mama

I want to share with you some things that my mama taught me. Things that no doubt have helped make me who I am today. And I hope my children will learn from me as well.

Don't Dwell, Solve.

Growing up, we didn't spend alot of time complaining about problems, we were taught to fix them. There wasn't room for pouting, and feeling like a victim.. if there was a problem.. you should pray about it.. and then to the best of your ability find a solution. I see myself as an adult doing this all the time.. I see myself being presented with a problem at home or work.. and instead of feeling sorry for myself..I immediately start thinking of the best way to solve the issue at hand. When you let problems stack, when you leave things unresolved, that can leave alot of room for baggage and bridges burned. My mama made me a solver.

Do good, regardless.

It isn't always easy to help others. Alot of times money is low, extra time is rare, and I want someone helping me instead of being helpful. My mom has lived a life of giving. And most of the time, she does it without anyone knowing. She buys gifts for people in need at Christmas, she cooks for whoever is sick (or at least purchases a meal :) ), she is always thinking of someone else.

Work Hard.
She is a worker. And not only is she a hard worker, she almost always finds success. People respect her business abilities. I know I do. I have witnessed her professionalism, and her desire to achieve. Ever since I was a little girl I have admired her work ethic. She has inspired in me the desire to do my very best everyday. And I have seen the fruits of my labor over and over again.

Family Matters.

Mama always put us and dad first. Still does. And her grandchildren of course! She didn't miss ballgames or big days. We were allowed to be free thinkers, and she listened to us. Alot of days, I don't feel listened to. But I do always feel like my mama hears me. She taught us to look out for one another. And value each other. Even today, my brother and I don't always get along. We are just different people. But if he ever needed me for one second my world would stop to see about him, and I know he would do the same for me.


Now that does not mean that you will always hear her apologize. Because she doesn't! It doesn't mean that she always gives in, or bows down. But she does forgive. Sometimes it will be a quiet forgiveness that just moves on, sometimes it will be verbalized. But with me, once she has forgiven me, we move on. She doesn't throw it in my face a week, or month, or year later. She doesn't harp. She forgives the right way. She wipes your slate clean and provides you with a new opportunity. I need to continue to learn from her. I need to work on giving new chances, and leaving the past behind. She has taught me so many things. She is a dear friend to me. And one of the people I am most proud to know. She is a fantastic mom, and a fabulous grandmom too. So thankful for her :) And don't worry dad.. your blog will be next! :)

2 little notes:

Whitney said...

You have wonderful parents who raised 2 great children! I always admired the dynamic of you and your family. You guys are so blessed and are blessing to others! :)

Linds said...

thank you friend! hope you are doing well in your new town! I'd love to catch up sometime!

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