I have a problem. I take things personally. I am very passionate about things, and I think to an extent, that makes things feel really personal. All the time. Well, most of the time.
There have been a few times lately, that I have been able to see that other people's agendas, though they hurt me, were not meant for me. But usually I am not quite that forward with my thinking and I take things personally.
I was born and raised in a town that's best days may very well be behind it, but still when people talk negatively about MY TOWN, it hurts me. They don't mean for it to. But because I love the people there, and the memories I have, their negativity feels personal.
I am passionate about adoption. I believe in it. And when people don't see the importance in it that I do, sometimes I take that personally. And I shouldn't. But I do.
You see the problem with taking it personally is that you (I am talking to myself!) are having a really selfish view. You are seeing everything in sight of how it effects you. How you feel is always at the forefront. I think there is also some immaturity mixed in there, and probably some self esteem issues too. But, I think for the most part, it boils down to putting yourself (myself!) and your feelings ahead of most everything else.
And this is something that I am working on. I am working on being less effected by others. I am working on letting things roll off of me. I am working on forgiving and understanding. I am even working on making more allowances for people. It's in progress. Maybe it will always be. But I think by taking things personally, I am hindering my own happiness. I often seek grace, and do not as often grant it. Pray for me in my continuous journey of self improvement (it's a long list to work on!).
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
On Being Thankful.
I am thankful. I don't have a perfect life. But I have a good life. I wanted to share some things I am thankful for this season of Thanksgiving :)
1. I am thankful for the health of my family. This year this has meant more to me than ever before. My heart aches for families struggling with sickness. I pray almost daily for the continued health of my family and children, and for the healing of those I know to be struggling with terrible illnesses. I think I spent most of my life taking health forgranted, I do not anymore.
2. I am thankful for children who laugh. My children are not always the most mannerly, and I am surprised sometimes that does not bother me more. They are people, people who though I have tried, cannot be put in a box. They have strong opinions and personalities, and I am thankful for it. Honestly, sometimes when I see parents with super mannerly children I catch myself thinking how boring their lives must be. I don't have whiny children (usually), I have strong willed, laughing, loud children. And I am thankful for them.
3. I am thankful for parents who care. When something happens in my life big or little, good or bad, my parents really do care. They feel joy and pride on my good days, and compassion on my bad days. They are full of good advice based on experience. What is a big deal to me, is a big deal to them, and I am thankful for that. Everyone needs to feel understood.
4. I am thankful for a husband who tells me like it is. Tim is a mild mannered man. He speaks with wisdom, and he is respected for the way he handles things. He is so smart, truly, so smart. But, he doesn't feel the need to show off or prove you wrong. He is confident in himself. But I want you to know, he doesn't mind telling me like it is. He doesn't sugar coat things with me a lot of the time, or encourage me to be meek and passive. He encourages me to be bold, and strong. He doesn't try to tone me down. (Maybe he should?!) He encourages me to follow my passion and do what I know to be right. What I know to be best. And I am thankful for that. Less confident men, might prefer a mild wife. I am thankful he loves me and encourages me to be who I am.
5. I am thankful for my friends. I often say.. "friends are the family that you chose". And I believe it. I don't have a sister, so I found my own. I found strong women, who I learn from and love. You really don't need a thousand friends, you need two or three really good ones. You can quote me on that.
6. I am thankful for Aunts who turn into friends. I am thirty years old now (that hurt to type), and so it is natural that these women would become my friends. I am thankful for their love and support, I am thankful for their encouraging words and texts, I am thankful that I can call them for advice. They really do give some of the best advice.
7. I am thankful for my grandmom. She has always been a best friend to me. We have a special bond, and I thank God for it. Often people tell me I am just like her, and she tells me I got all of her bad qualities (I disagree!), but I love being like her. I love that that means standing up for something, that means trying to be generous, to truly be like her would mean.. less of me, more of THEE. Because she really does everything with a sincere belief that she is trying to do what's right in the sight of the Lord. She is godly woman. And I love her entirely.
8. I am thankful for my granddaddy. Tim is so much like him, and I love that too. He doesn't need to be the center of attention, he makes other people feel important, and I have seen him life until he cried. One of my favorite memories with him. He is smart, and has let my grandmother be herself all these years. Some men might have tried to tame her too :) Their love is beautiful, and permanent, and made a lasting impression on me.
9. I am thankful for my inlaws. They are always there when we need them! They love my children, and they are vital part of our "village"!
10. I am thankful for Tiffany. I am thankful for the way our relationship has developed as she has become an adult. I am thankful for the life she is working to create for herself, and her family. I am thankful for her love and her friendship.
11. I am thankful for Jessica. I am thankful for her ambition and her desire to be successful. I am also thankful she decided to attend UofA! Roll Tide!
There are so many more things I am thankful for. More than I could ever list. And maybe I will add more to this list before Thanksgiving comes and goes. Take time and think about what you are thankful for, maybe it will bring the smile to your face it has brought to mine :)
1. I am thankful for the health of my family. This year this has meant more to me than ever before. My heart aches for families struggling with sickness. I pray almost daily for the continued health of my family and children, and for the healing of those I know to be struggling with terrible illnesses. I think I spent most of my life taking health forgranted, I do not anymore.
2. I am thankful for children who laugh. My children are not always the most mannerly, and I am surprised sometimes that does not bother me more. They are people, people who though I have tried, cannot be put in a box. They have strong opinions and personalities, and I am thankful for it. Honestly, sometimes when I see parents with super mannerly children I catch myself thinking how boring their lives must be. I don't have whiny children (usually), I have strong willed, laughing, loud children. And I am thankful for them.
3. I am thankful for parents who care. When something happens in my life big or little, good or bad, my parents really do care. They feel joy and pride on my good days, and compassion on my bad days. They are full of good advice based on experience. What is a big deal to me, is a big deal to them, and I am thankful for that. Everyone needs to feel understood.
4. I am thankful for a husband who tells me like it is. Tim is a mild mannered man. He speaks with wisdom, and he is respected for the way he handles things. He is so smart, truly, so smart. But, he doesn't feel the need to show off or prove you wrong. He is confident in himself. But I want you to know, he doesn't mind telling me like it is. He doesn't sugar coat things with me a lot of the time, or encourage me to be meek and passive. He encourages me to be bold, and strong. He doesn't try to tone me down. (Maybe he should?!) He encourages me to follow my passion and do what I know to be right. What I know to be best. And I am thankful for that. Less confident men, might prefer a mild wife. I am thankful he loves me and encourages me to be who I am.
5. I am thankful for my friends. I often say.. "friends are the family that you chose". And I believe it. I don't have a sister, so I found my own. I found strong women, who I learn from and love. You really don't need a thousand friends, you need two or three really good ones. You can quote me on that.
6. I am thankful for Aunts who turn into friends. I am thirty years old now (that hurt to type), and so it is natural that these women would become my friends. I am thankful for their love and support, I am thankful for their encouraging words and texts, I am thankful that I can call them for advice. They really do give some of the best advice.
7. I am thankful for my grandmom. She has always been a best friend to me. We have a special bond, and I thank God for it. Often people tell me I am just like her, and she tells me I got all of her bad qualities (I disagree!), but I love being like her. I love that that means standing up for something, that means trying to be generous, to truly be like her would mean.. less of me, more of THEE. Because she really does everything with a sincere belief that she is trying to do what's right in the sight of the Lord. She is godly woman. And I love her entirely.
8. I am thankful for my granddaddy. Tim is so much like him, and I love that too. He doesn't need to be the center of attention, he makes other people feel important, and I have seen him life until he cried. One of my favorite memories with him. He is smart, and has let my grandmother be herself all these years. Some men might have tried to tame her too :) Their love is beautiful, and permanent, and made a lasting impression on me.
9. I am thankful for my inlaws. They are always there when we need them! They love my children, and they are vital part of our "village"!
10. I am thankful for Tiffany. I am thankful for the way our relationship has developed as she has become an adult. I am thankful for the life she is working to create for herself, and her family. I am thankful for her love and her friendship.
11. I am thankful for Jessica. I am thankful for her ambition and her desire to be successful. I am also thankful she decided to attend UofA! Roll Tide!
There are so many more things I am thankful for. More than I could ever list. And maybe I will add more to this list before Thanksgiving comes and goes. Take time and think about what you are thankful for, maybe it will bring the smile to your face it has brought to mine :)
Friday, November 14, 2014
I am better because of Cates. I am better because I am her mom. She turns three on Monday. And while I try not to be one of those mom who tries to stop time, and complains about her children growing up, I do have a knot in my throat about it. I literally find myself trying to catch every second with her, and while I am SO thankful for each of her birthdays, it is a reminder of how fast time goes by.
Here is a list of her favorite things as we approach her third birthday!
*She always tells me I am her best friend. And when she is laying beside me, or riding in the car, she always holds my hand.
*People constantly comment on her ability to communicate and her vocabulary. She is very articulate.
*She loves playing with baby dolls. She tells me she doesn't want me to have any more babies, but she wants to grow up and have 8... but they all can live with me.
*She calls everyone on her play cell phone, and when they don't answer.. she "send them a text".
*She talks and points her finger and bosses people around most of the time.
*She is beautiful. Everyone always tells me how much she looks like her daddy :)
*Every morning on our way to school she says her prayer for the day. She always prays for her friends and family and that we will all feel "well".
* I thank God for the friendship she has with Andrew. They are best friends. Sometimes when he is kidding with her she will say.."Just tell me the twuth, Andwew!!! Are you swerius???"
*She loves her family. And when she prays she prays for most all of them by name. And she never forgets Uncle Bert's dog OG either.
*Her favorite color is pink.
*She loves Dora, Doc McStuffins, Sofia the First, and Paw Patrol.
*She tells me she is going to grow up and marry her daddy :)
* She sings all the time.
Big Events!
* She went on her first field trip this year to the Pumpkin Patch. Andrew went with her. Bop and Yaya did too.
*She potty trained this year too.
*She got a Jeep for her second birthday that she can now drive almost safely ;)
*We went on vacation to the beach in July.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
If you asked me about adoption, I'd say..
Every now and then someone who is considering adoption asks for my thoughts/advice/story. Adoption is one of the things I am most passionate about talking about, so I thought I would blog my thoughts in case someone else is thinking about adopting.
I wasn’t a little girl who knew I would grow up and adopt. I wasn’t a high school student who was struck with an interest in adoption. I wasn’t moved one day in college and determined to become an adoptive mom. I was twenty three years old teaching first grade, when my eyes were opened. I taught foster children, and for the first time, I was introduced to a world of children who were without parents. My heart went to them. I hurt for them. Even though they were living with families who loved them, and were providing well for them, they weren’t home. They spent their days wondering if their mom and dad were okay, wondering even where their mom and dad were. Tim wouldn’t mind me telling you that it was me who took him to that first foster parenting class, but once we were there, we were both in 100%.
I don’t think we acknowledged at the time what we were trading. We were trading life as newlyweds, for a life of substitute parenting. But even now as I look back, I know it was a good trade. We spent our marriage, even from the early part, being blessed by sweet children.
The first children we had we deeply loved. If you know us well, you probably remember their names. Those two sweet children changed me. They opened my eyes to loving children as my own. They opened my eyes to motherly love, from the mother’s side. I still think about those children. I still miss those children. And I still pray for them. They taught me lessons, and provided me with experiences that I will forever remember. They opened my heart to the possibility of adoption, and though that is not where God’s plan led us with them, I am thankful for the heart changing they did in me.
So that’s where my adoption experience began, far before Andrew. It began when my eyes were opened to the truth that God made me capable, willing, and longing to be an adoptive mother. The day I met Andrew, I felt like his mother. And as I look back, I was his mom all along. God’s plan was for me to be Andrew’s mom, and for Andrew to be our son. The journey to his name matching ours was long, and hard. The eighteen months we held our little boy, waiting to be told we could keep him were wonderful and terrifying. I had confidence that God would work in Andrew’s life, but the anxiety of finding out if I was HIS plan was overwhelming. I praise God for making me Andrew’s mom, there were probably more capable people God could have shared him with, but no one with a greater love for him or desire to be his mama.
My advice would have to begin with choosing who you share your desire to adopt with. Adoption is a roller coaster. It has high highs, and low lows. It is not for the faint of heart. You have to make sure the people you share your journey with are prepared for those really hard days, because ready or not, those days will come. There were times when our hearts were so heavy, that people did not have the right words. But by that time our skin was tough. We were okay with or without their support. And when you get to that place, tell the whole world what a wonderful journey you are beginning.
Next, I would have to say, don’t share every detail. Ultimately, the story you are a part of, is your child’s story. Other people shouldn’t know the intimate details of your child’s life (birth families, adoption circumstances, etc), before they are even old enough to understand them for themselves. Protect your child, and your family from the beginning.
Be confident. You are doing a wonderful thing. A God thing. You are telling the world that you acknowledge families aren’t made by blood, they are made by love. I often think of the really hard days during our adoption process with Andrew. And I am so thankful for them. I know that had I not made it through those really hard days, I wouldn’t be where I am today, I wouldn’t be Andrew’s mama. So on the hard days, don’t doubt your decision, don’t give up, know that better, brighter days are coming. Days that will lead you to your precious child.
If you have a transracial adoption, I have a few more things to say. First of all, most people will be really supportive! Most people love God and love His children regardless of their color. But there will be people who will surprise you, and disappoint you. People that you thought you knew, and strangers will let you down, maybe even your own family. Hold your head up, and let them go. That’s hard to say, but it’s what I have done, and it was the right thing for our family. We have had people of ALL colors question our family’s “fit”, and the truth is, there is no better fit than our family. Be familiar with your child’s heritage, make them familiar with it, and then.. just be really happy. Color doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t. You didn’t choose your color, and I didn’t choose mine. I’m not sure there is anything more beautiful than a colorful family!
And in all of this, before your adoption process begins, during, and after.. Pray. Pray for peace. Pray for confidence. Pray for love and acceptance. Pray for your sweet child, who you don’t even know yet God is so good. And you will be so blessed. I pray often for families with adoption on their hearts, so I am praying for you already
I wasn’t a little girl who knew I would grow up and adopt. I wasn’t a high school student who was struck with an interest in adoption. I wasn’t moved one day in college and determined to become an adoptive mom. I was twenty three years old teaching first grade, when my eyes were opened. I taught foster children, and for the first time, I was introduced to a world of children who were without parents. My heart went to them. I hurt for them. Even though they were living with families who loved them, and were providing well for them, they weren’t home. They spent their days wondering if their mom and dad were okay, wondering even where their mom and dad were. Tim wouldn’t mind me telling you that it was me who took him to that first foster parenting class, but once we were there, we were both in 100%.
I don’t think we acknowledged at the time what we were trading. We were trading life as newlyweds, for a life of substitute parenting. But even now as I look back, I know it was a good trade. We spent our marriage, even from the early part, being blessed by sweet children.
The first children we had we deeply loved. If you know us well, you probably remember their names. Those two sweet children changed me. They opened my eyes to loving children as my own. They opened my eyes to motherly love, from the mother’s side. I still think about those children. I still miss those children. And I still pray for them. They taught me lessons, and provided me with experiences that I will forever remember. They opened my heart to the possibility of adoption, and though that is not where God’s plan led us with them, I am thankful for the heart changing they did in me.
So that’s where my adoption experience began, far before Andrew. It began when my eyes were opened to the truth that God made me capable, willing, and longing to be an adoptive mother. The day I met Andrew, I felt like his mother. And as I look back, I was his mom all along. God’s plan was for me to be Andrew’s mom, and for Andrew to be our son. The journey to his name matching ours was long, and hard. The eighteen months we held our little boy, waiting to be told we could keep him were wonderful and terrifying. I had confidence that God would work in Andrew’s life, but the anxiety of finding out if I was HIS plan was overwhelming. I praise God for making me Andrew’s mom, there were probably more capable people God could have shared him with, but no one with a greater love for him or desire to be his mama.
My advice would have to begin with choosing who you share your desire to adopt with. Adoption is a roller coaster. It has high highs, and low lows. It is not for the faint of heart. You have to make sure the people you share your journey with are prepared for those really hard days, because ready or not, those days will come. There were times when our hearts were so heavy, that people did not have the right words. But by that time our skin was tough. We were okay with or without their support. And when you get to that place, tell the whole world what a wonderful journey you are beginning.
Next, I would have to say, don’t share every detail. Ultimately, the story you are a part of, is your child’s story. Other people shouldn’t know the intimate details of your child’s life (birth families, adoption circumstances, etc), before they are even old enough to understand them for themselves. Protect your child, and your family from the beginning.
Be confident. You are doing a wonderful thing. A God thing. You are telling the world that you acknowledge families aren’t made by blood, they are made by love. I often think of the really hard days during our adoption process with Andrew. And I am so thankful for them. I know that had I not made it through those really hard days, I wouldn’t be where I am today, I wouldn’t be Andrew’s mama. So on the hard days, don’t doubt your decision, don’t give up, know that better, brighter days are coming. Days that will lead you to your precious child.
If you have a transracial adoption, I have a few more things to say. First of all, most people will be really supportive! Most people love God and love His children regardless of their color. But there will be people who will surprise you, and disappoint you. People that you thought you knew, and strangers will let you down, maybe even your own family. Hold your head up, and let them go. That’s hard to say, but it’s what I have done, and it was the right thing for our family. We have had people of ALL colors question our family’s “fit”, and the truth is, there is no better fit than our family. Be familiar with your child’s heritage, make them familiar with it, and then.. just be really happy. Color doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t. You didn’t choose your color, and I didn’t choose mine. I’m not sure there is anything more beautiful than a colorful family!
And in all of this, before your adoption process begins, during, and after.. Pray. Pray for peace. Pray for confidence. Pray for love and acceptance. Pray for your sweet child, who you don’t even know yet God is so good. And you will be so blessed. I pray often for families with adoption on their hearts, so I am praying for you already
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Go. Fight. Win?
I have sat through probably 1000 ballgames in my life. I've experienced alot of really amazing wins. I've seen Mount Cody block two field goals in one game, I have seen the Walker Vikings Soccer team go to the second round of the 5A playoffs after winning only one game the season before, I've seen Tim Croley hit a three at the buzzer to win a pickup basketball game. All really exciting games. All games where my team, and my coach, left heroes.
But I have watched high school teams I loved stomped in painful ways, I have seen the last minute heartbreaking interception, I have yelled and cheered til the last buzzer knowing the game would not end my way.
But all the time I understood that though my heart, my emotion, my loyalty were involved..I was watching a game. Usually played by children. Always coached by people doing their best. And win or lose, this season or next, there would be another game.
I just wish everyone else would acknowledge the truths I've mentioned. You shouldn't base your mood for a day or a week or a season on a game played by teenagers and college students. Who you are cannot be based on the scoreboard of a game that you didn't even play in. I say all this to say.. I am tired of hearing grownups berate boys who may have failed a test or have a broken heart because they aren't having the game of their lifetime. I am concerned about people who would call for coach's jobs after a game. When you have a bad day at work, when your team misses the mark one week, do hundreds of people suggest (loudly) that you should find a new job?
My guess is no. Because in most jobs you are allowed an off day. A day where everything doesn't exactly line up. In most jobs, your success isn't based on the efforts of an overwhelmed teenager.
I write this because this has hurt me. I have sat by fan's that spent the first half praising the coaches like they were heroes, and the second half dogging them like they weren't people at all.
So before you belittle someone at whatever game you attend this weekend.. remember that the players are at an awkward stage in life. They have alot to figure out outside of the game they are playing. They are someone's son. They are someone's brother. And I can vouch for the hard work of the coaches. My brother has been coaching for years. He stays up entirely too late and gets up entirely too early. He probably works 80 hours a week. He doesn't win every game, and there are probably even times he's made bad decisions (just like you), but he does his best everyday. Every coach does. They obviously didn't choose coaching for the huge salaries, but the huge rewards. And alot of those have to do with impacting lives, not winnings games. So before you call for someone's job, or publically berate them, remember you might be sitting by their mom, their sister, their son or daughter, their daddy, their sweet niece and nephew. Before you call for someone's job because you are too immature to deal with the part of life that doesn't involve winning.. consider if you want your job called for on the days where you have worked your hardest, tried your best, and come up short.
The end.
But I have watched high school teams I loved stomped in painful ways, I have seen the last minute heartbreaking interception, I have yelled and cheered til the last buzzer knowing the game would not end my way.
But all the time I understood that though my heart, my emotion, my loyalty were involved..I was watching a game. Usually played by children. Always coached by people doing their best. And win or lose, this season or next, there would be another game.
I just wish everyone else would acknowledge the truths I've mentioned. You shouldn't base your mood for a day or a week or a season on a game played by teenagers and college students. Who you are cannot be based on the scoreboard of a game that you didn't even play in. I say all this to say.. I am tired of hearing grownups berate boys who may have failed a test or have a broken heart because they aren't having the game of their lifetime. I am concerned about people who would call for coach's jobs after a game. When you have a bad day at work, when your team misses the mark one week, do hundreds of people suggest (loudly) that you should find a new job?
My guess is no. Because in most jobs you are allowed an off day. A day where everything doesn't exactly line up. In most jobs, your success isn't based on the efforts of an overwhelmed teenager.
I write this because this has hurt me. I have sat by fan's that spent the first half praising the coaches like they were heroes, and the second half dogging them like they weren't people at all.
So before you belittle someone at whatever game you attend this weekend.. remember that the players are at an awkward stage in life. They have alot to figure out outside of the game they are playing. They are someone's son. They are someone's brother. And I can vouch for the hard work of the coaches. My brother has been coaching for years. He stays up entirely too late and gets up entirely too early. He probably works 80 hours a week. He doesn't win every game, and there are probably even times he's made bad decisions (just like you), but he does his best everyday. Every coach does. They obviously didn't choose coaching for the huge salaries, but the huge rewards. And alot of those have to do with impacting lives, not winnings games. So before you call for someone's job, or publically berate them, remember you might be sitting by their mom, their sister, their son or daughter, their daddy, their sweet niece and nephew. Before you call for someone's job because you are too immature to deal with the part of life that doesn't involve winning.. consider if you want your job called for on the days where you have worked your hardest, tried your best, and come up short.
The end.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Andrew is 4!
Andrew turned four yesterday. Time flies is an understatement. A lot of the first days I knew Andrew are hazy. Filled I am sure with sleepless nights, overwhelming emotions, and disbelief. There had to be disbelief that this little life was mine to care for.
Four years later, I listen and smile as he runs through the house chasing his sister. I cherish the 35 goodnight kisses he shares with me each night, and I just can't believe that four years have passed.
A few of Andrew's favorite things:
Cutting grass with Daddy and Bop
Car Carriers
Dancing (the boy has moves!)
Taking care of his sister
Jack and Bryce (and Miss Yauren)
Going to Yaya's house
Cuddling with Mama in the mornings
Anna, Wiyum, Uncle Tan, and Tina
Fudge Rounds at Grandmama and Granddaddy's
Seeing Apollos at Paw Daddy and Na's
Getting candy from Aunt (Me)Lisa
Riding his bike
Class at church
Poptarts (the sugar ones)
He always says Cates is his best friend. And he always thinks of her before himself. He can do cool jumps off the diving board. And he's just a really happy guy. I can't wait to see what his next year holds :)
Recently, a couple of people have asked me how far apart Andrew and Cates are, and I told them 15 months. Both responded with "fun!". And both times, I accidently laughed. For a long time, it didn't feel like fun alot of the time, it felt really hard. But when I think about it now, we are at a really fun time. Not the kind of fun you feel sitting on the beach, watching waves, and feeling the sun warm you. More like the kind of fun you would feel riding the tallest ride at Six Flags, blindfolded. :)
Regardless, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I am blessed. We are blessed. Happy Birthday Sweet Andrew!
Monday, May 26, 2014
I called my granddaddy tonight to thank him for his service to our country. His response moved me.
He said, "I am thankful I had the opportunity to serve".
Does that mean he is thankful that he had to leave his mom and dad and family and friends? That he is thankful for the freezing nights he spent in the Army? Does it mean that he is thankful for the things he had to see that when he speaks of, still over sixty years later, bring tears to his eyes?
No, I don't think it does. What it means, I think, is all the hurt and loneliness, all the fear and exhaustion, all of the unknowns were worth it. They were worth it because he was serving a greater cause. They were worth it because what he was doing mattered. And what he did, along with hundreds of thousands of others, made a difference.
And as most things that move me do, it brought me back to my service. My service to God. Am I thankful for the opportunity to serve?
And the true answer is, no, not always. Some of the time I wish someone else would do it so I didn't have to. Some of the time I long for a "normal" life, full of common place, day to day, twenty nine year old life events. But that isn't who God made me to be.
He called me to face the hurt that comes sometimes with serving others, and serve anyway. He called me to face the loneliness that sometimes comes with having a family that "looks" different than most, and hold my head up. He called me to meet the fear that I feel as I try to help guide the lives of those who need me, courageously. He gives me strength through exhaustion that I didn't know was possible. He promises me a bright future. He promises me eternal life. With God, the unknowns aren't overwhelming. Because I may not know the path that leads me to the end, but I know where I end up. And I am banking on a big crown when I arrive :)
My service since I entered adulthood has been primarily two fold. I have served as a teacher. The greatest service job I know of. Day in and day out for months, you have a true opportunity to serve. And to inspire. And to change lives. I resigned from that role officially this week. Heavy heartedly. At this stage in my life, it was the right thing to do, but still a hard thing to do.
The second way I have served has been through foster parenting. Unlike teaching, it isn't a job. It is trading in your life to better the lives of others. It isn't an 8 til 5, and it doesn't stop. It doesn't come with a lot of thank you's or pats on the back. But, you do have the opportunity to change lives. There are many sleepless nights, and worries. There are a lot of decisions you wish you could make for people, and a lot of lessons you see learned the hard way. There are many gray hairs involved. But, you get the opportunity to change lives. We do not plan to renew our license when it expires in a few months. We have our hands full now, and we know the importance of providing stability for our children. I am thankful for the five years we have spent trying to really better lives.
Recently, on Mother's Day, J wrote me a letter inside of the card she gave me. In it she said, "I hope one day to be just like you, Mrs. Lindsey". I write that tearfully. Because maybe like granddaddy, but in a really different way, I have been serving a greater cause. Maybe what I have been doing really mattered. Maybe we really did make a difference.
I am looking forward to finding new ways to serve. I know primarily my service will be working to raise God fearing children, who grow up to serve our Creator. Pray for us in this transition. Pray for me as I find my place.
Pray that like Granddaddy I will be able to say, "I am thankful for the opportunity to serve".
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Faces of Families in Alabama
Dear Mr. Holmes,
I do not know you. You have made it clear to the world with your recent comments, that you don't know anyone like me. Without even knowing my name, recently, you have hurt me. You have discouraged the progress I thought we were making as a society. You have stirred in me the feelings that I have dreaded since we adopted our beautiful little boy. Fears that people would make him feel like somehow different colors made us less of a family, worries that rather than celebrating our differences, some people would belittle us.
All of those feelings have rushed over me in the last couple of weeks, and I truly have been saddened. I knew that at some point you were going to apologize. I thought after the meeting yesterday, with so many pictures of some of our state's most beautiful families displayed, you would apologize. But you didn't. I wasn't sure it was possible to make things worse, but you did.
So I need to share with you my truth. I am not colorblind. I see color. But I am not scared of color. I think color is beautiful.
I am sorry that you are living in the past. I am sorry that your views of people like me are based on people's actions that lived generations before me. I am sorry you have not seen my sweet 85 year old granddaddy hug and kiss my little boy. I am sorry that you have not seen communities of people support and even aid in our decision to become a biracial family. I am sorry that you haven't seen the bond between our biological little girl and our adopted son. I am thankful, that unlike you, the people I am surrounded by embrace everyone.
I am glad my little boy isn't old enough to understand the things you said. I am glad he doesn't see me and his daddy as the "white people" that you do not mind regularly trying to discredit. And I pray that by the time he is old enough to understand, that the voices around him shouting love and acceptance will drown out any whispers of hate, like the ones you have shared recently.
I am praying for you, and people like you. I am praying that your heart and your eyes be opened. I am praying that you will realize that the people on the steps of the state house yesterday weren't "a small group, taking a position". They were real families, representing many more families in our state. They weren't taking a position, they were showing you about families formed by love and choice. They were there to prove, that color really doesn't matter.
And I know you will never give anyone a dime of the 100k you promised, but I am fairly sure that you will never make an empty promise like that at the expense of others again. And that is a victory in itself.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
One More Kiss Mama..
If you know my little boy, you know he is a handful. Not in a burdensome way. Just in a constant way. He is full speed. All the time. He doesn't sit and watch tv or quietly play with toys. He hits golf balls, and runs thru the house. He would rather be outside running wide open than anywhere else in the world. He is happy. And free.
And all of his energy translates into early mornings. And full days. The hardest days, as you can imagine, are church days. Asking him to sit anywhere quietly more an hour or more.. much less silently is pretty much impossible. He has things he needs to say and do. And so sometimes that means he slips past me to "visit" Yaya more than once during a service. He talks out loud. He gets taken out. Services probably seem longer to me times ten than anyone in the room.. because I am trying to teach this little boy right from wrong. And there are nights like last Sunday when I see real progress.
For the most part, wherever we are, people seem to understand that he is just a little boy through and through. And that means he talks too loud, and he moves around constantly. Occasionally though, people try to make parenting suggestions. Those people are usually without children, or just don't have a clue about having two young children (only 15 months apart!). So I try to smile. And nod.
But the truth is that that little boy who I love completely wears me out. And at night, when I put him in bed, I usually drag myself to bed right behind him. And every night this busy little boy, who doesn't have much time to slow down and be affectionate during the day, will come to the side of my bed and say.. "I need one more kiss, Mama.". And I love that part of the day. The part where he has slowed down enough to realize that he needs one more kiss. The part of the day where he really thinks about his mama.
Today we had a full day of golf, Chuck E. Cheese, Chickfila ice cream, and visiting granddaddy and grandmamma. All with no nap, and no breaks. And as tired as he was, a few minutes after we put him to bed, he came to the side of my bed and said.. "I need one more kiss, Mama". Precious.
And all of his energy translates into early mornings. And full days. The hardest days, as you can imagine, are church days. Asking him to sit anywhere quietly more an hour or more.. much less silently is pretty much impossible. He has things he needs to say and do. And so sometimes that means he slips past me to "visit" Yaya more than once during a service. He talks out loud. He gets taken out. Services probably seem longer to me times ten than anyone in the room.. because I am trying to teach this little boy right from wrong. And there are nights like last Sunday when I see real progress.
For the most part, wherever we are, people seem to understand that he is just a little boy through and through. And that means he talks too loud, and he moves around constantly. Occasionally though, people try to make parenting suggestions. Those people are usually without children, or just don't have a clue about having two young children (only 15 months apart!). So I try to smile. And nod.
But the truth is that that little boy who I love completely wears me out. And at night, when I put him in bed, I usually drag myself to bed right behind him. And every night this busy little boy, who doesn't have much time to slow down and be affectionate during the day, will come to the side of my bed and say.. "I need one more kiss, Mama.". And I love that part of the day. The part where he has slowed down enough to realize that he needs one more kiss. The part of the day where he really thinks about his mama.
Today we had a full day of golf, Chuck E. Cheese, Chickfila ice cream, and visiting granddaddy and grandmamma. All with no nap, and no breaks. And as tired as he was, a few minutes after we put him to bed, he came to the side of my bed and said.. "I need one more kiss, Mama". Precious.
Friday, January 31, 2014
You're doing a really good job, Mom.
I was recently talking to one of my favorite friends about a blog I had read online. It was addressing wives before they were mothers. And it rang really true to me. It reminded me of my first love and commitment to my husband. And it encouraged me to refocus and think more intentionally about my marriage. So, I reposted it. I asked my friend if she had read it.. and she said I started.. but I stopped.
I asked her why. What she had to say hit my heart, because I could tell that it was something that she felt deeply. She said.."I cannot be given a guilt trip about another thing. I cannot have another thing I should be doing better put on my list. I am overwhelmed."
And while the article made me feel differently, I totally understood what she meant. Because I am overwhelmed too sometimes. Thankfully, being able to stay home this year, my list is miles shorter. My burden lighter. But still I am overwhelmed sometimes with that sense of inadequacy.
I raise my voice sometimes when my children are out of hand, but I know if I were doing it the right way, I would "redirect" them. I cook a frozen pizza for dinner at least twice a month, and I don't even bother to open a can of veggies to go along with it. I know if I were on the correct pinterest perfected cleaning routine, I would not have these dust balls in the corners of my house. I rarely get a date night to focus on my husband, and when I do I usually call or text whoever has our babies about twenty times. I let opportunities to do good walk right past me sometimes, and rarely do I appropriately express the gratitude I feel when someone does good for me. I fall short in every area.. everyday.
And I guess maybe I am so aware of my shortcomings because of those blogs reminding me that my children are only going to be little for a short time, and I best not miss a second or live with a lifetime of regret. Or the ones that tell me if I don't shape up and be the perfect housewife, mother, chef, maid, and wife I will have let down my husband and permanently damaged my children. Too many of us are trying to meet the standard we feel set by others. You know, our facebook friends who only post the smiling, clean, happy pictures of their children. And then we wonder why our children are usually messy and loud.. and would never take time to smile for a picture. Inadequate. We see the meals posted by super mom of her always healthy, colorful meals. We forget that her children like ours ate poptarts for breakfast. And for a minute, we feel.. Inadequate. We see the pictures of roses given to perfect wives by their perfect husbands. What we don't see is the horrible fight they had last night. And we feel.. Inadequate.
The list could go on and on. And I guess I say all of the above to say.. You are doing a good job, Mom. Your children don't care about the perfect meal, or a spotless house. They have what they need, and that is your love and attention. Your husband understands that when you go to bed, you're tired. And he is proud of you for handling all that you do, even if it is not always gracefully. Stop feeling inadequate. Stop feeling overwhelmed. Stop trying to meet an unreachable standard. You are special, and beautiful, and you are loved. And you're doing a really good job, Mom.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Dealing with Adoption
I read today a blog that discussed how to best communicate with adoptive parents. I agreed for the most part, but I wanted to create my own list.
First of all, adoptive parents aren't pieces of china. They don't have to be tiptoed around or feared. Their story is theirs to tell, and when they are ready to share it with you, I know that you will find it to be at times difficult and overwhelmingly beautiful.
1. Please whatever you do, do not assume the journey to adoption started with infertility. We chose to adopt Andrew not because we knew that we would not be able to have biological children, but because we had on our hearts that adoption was part of God's plan for our family. We were deeply (and still are!!) in love with Andrew and the process to how we gained a son was not important to us. And that's true for a lot of families, the process to gaining children (birth, adoption) isn't important to them, they are just interested in being a family. There have been times people have asked me.. "Would you have adopted knowing you would be able to have Cates?". As with most ignorance, I laugh it off. But the answer is YES! No doubts. Everytime. The adoption of Andrew was equally as precious as the birth of Cates. But I really think it is so sad that lost to these people is the beauty of adoption. Lost to them is the beauty of our little boy being ours by heart, and how that runs so much deeper than blood alone.
2. If you know someone adopted after a struggle with infertility. Just hush. Don't say.. "Oh you'll get pregnant now! It happened to my best friend's sister's preacher's wife." Adoption was not a trade for giving birth. It was a precious way for a family to begin. It should be met with the same excitement of a child being born. The sweet child being brought into the family was long prayed for, dreamed of, and planned for. Celebrate the child.
3. Please don't say "real child". All children are real. You can touch them. They breathe. They are real. If you need a definition of a child's journey into a family, please use the word "biological, birth, adoptive". All acceptable. But really is there a need to even use these words? Tiffany, Jessica, Andrew, and Cates are all mine in different ways. But they are all mine. Children don't need titles, they need love.
4. Everyone asks us what country we adopted Andrew from. Which is funny. He is brown, so he must be from Africa, right?? I know other adoptive parents who have been asked similar questions. Adoption happens right here in America. There are family adoptions. Adoptions from foster care. All sorts. Don't assume every adoption is international (although we support those!).
5. Love us! Support us! There are hard decisions that all adoptive parents will struggle with.. birth families, acceptance issues, even little things like at some of Andrew's doctors offices wanting me to show adoption papers to prove he is mine. We are blessed with such a strong support group. Amazing family and supportive friends, if you have a chance, be that for an adoptive family. I thank God every night for these people. I know someone will thank God for you too.
Those are the big ones that come to my mind. I hope that most adoptive parents are like us, in that, they are not easily offended. They are understanding of people's lack of understanding about different adoptive situations. They are thankful for their experiences, and happy to share them with you. That's my sermon for today :) Hope you don't mind me sharing!!
First of all, adoptive parents aren't pieces of china. They don't have to be tiptoed around or feared. Their story is theirs to tell, and when they are ready to share it with you, I know that you will find it to be at times difficult and overwhelmingly beautiful.
1. Please whatever you do, do not assume the journey to adoption started with infertility. We chose to adopt Andrew not because we knew that we would not be able to have biological children, but because we had on our hearts that adoption was part of God's plan for our family. We were deeply (and still are!!) in love with Andrew and the process to how we gained a son was not important to us. And that's true for a lot of families, the process to gaining children (birth, adoption) isn't important to them, they are just interested in being a family. There have been times people have asked me.. "Would you have adopted knowing you would be able to have Cates?". As with most ignorance, I laugh it off. But the answer is YES! No doubts. Everytime. The adoption of Andrew was equally as precious as the birth of Cates. But I really think it is so sad that lost to these people is the beauty of adoption. Lost to them is the beauty of our little boy being ours by heart, and how that runs so much deeper than blood alone.
2. If you know someone adopted after a struggle with infertility. Just hush. Don't say.. "Oh you'll get pregnant now! It happened to my best friend's sister's preacher's wife." Adoption was not a trade for giving birth. It was a precious way for a family to begin. It should be met with the same excitement of a child being born. The sweet child being brought into the family was long prayed for, dreamed of, and planned for. Celebrate the child.
3. Please don't say "real child". All children are real. You can touch them. They breathe. They are real. If you need a definition of a child's journey into a family, please use the word "biological, birth, adoptive". All acceptable. But really is there a need to even use these words? Tiffany, Jessica, Andrew, and Cates are all mine in different ways. But they are all mine. Children don't need titles, they need love.
4. Everyone asks us what country we adopted Andrew from. Which is funny. He is brown, so he must be from Africa, right?? I know other adoptive parents who have been asked similar questions. Adoption happens right here in America. There are family adoptions. Adoptions from foster care. All sorts. Don't assume every adoption is international (although we support those!).
5. Love us! Support us! There are hard decisions that all adoptive parents will struggle with.. birth families, acceptance issues, even little things like at some of Andrew's doctors offices wanting me to show adoption papers to prove he is mine. We are blessed with such a strong support group. Amazing family and supportive friends, if you have a chance, be that for an adoptive family. I thank God every night for these people. I know someone will thank God for you too.
Those are the big ones that come to my mind. I hope that most adoptive parents are like us, in that, they are not easily offended. They are understanding of people's lack of understanding about different adoptive situations. They are thankful for their experiences, and happy to share them with you. That's my sermon for today :) Hope you don't mind me sharing!!
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Paid Parenting. Wait, what??
Only twice do I remember anyone directly saying anything to me about receiving money to foster parent. Once a lady asked me if we received a thousand dollars a month for a child, I laughed out loud. And then respectfully told her.. No. We don't. The next time was a teenage boy who lived with us. He told us someone had told him we just kept him for money. I told him we spent more on his birthday weekend taking him to his first Alabama game, and spending time in Birmingham than we would receive for two months of his being with us. I think he felt better after. And then once, I overheard it. And the people talking were just so ignorant that I chose to forgive them.
And yes, it hurt my feelings, but more than that, it didn't make sense to me.
Who takes strangers into their home, cleans up after them, cooks for them, transports them, loves them, cares for them during sickness, mends hurt hearts, shares vacations, and holidays, works on speech impediments or self confidence issues with them, changes dirty diapers, attends school functions.. just totally parenting and loving someone.. for less than .50 cents an hour. No one does that. It wouldn't make sense.
But I think what really gets me is.. when two parents are divorced.. whoever has primary custody.. so let's just say the mom. She receives child support. She is often remarried and a part of a two income family, but on top of that each month, the children's father will send her child support. And I think we all agree that is the right thing. We don't believe that the mother is parenting her children in order to receive the monthly child support check, do we?
It's the same concept. The state has custody of the child, so they send us child support. It makes sense. I assure you that Tim is careful to make sure that we always use the money for the children. We do allowance, vacations, big Christmases, everything a mother receiving child support would do for her children. But we do it not because they are our own children, but because they need a family to be a part of. And we have a great desire to be that family.
It all goes back to... You can't understand what you don't love. If people don't love children in need enough to bring them into their home.. To go thru everything it means to have someone as a part of their family.. that technically isn't.. then some people have to come up with ulterior motives for people who do.
Like in everything in life, there are foster parents who have given the ministry, at times, a bad name. But that's life. And that can be found in any group of people. I don't see how anyone could be a foster parent, the right kind, and have any money leftover at all. And, I needed you to know that.