Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fast Forward

I am so far behind in blogging. I really love to blog, and I hate I have missed so much of our summer! Tim had a training in Iowa for the first two weeks of June. Bravely, I decided to go and take our babies. It was two weeks in a hotel room with a one and two year old. I was afraid they were going to tear the room apart.. but they really didn't and considering our circumstances, they did really well. We visited the Amish country which I loved. Who knows.. you may see me and the kids riding through town on a horse and buggy one day! And we also went to Chicago. Tim has always wanted to go to a Cubs game, so I am really thankful that he got to experience that. We went to Navy Pier and rode the ferris wheel.. which I have always wished for. It was a really good two weeks with my loves. But as you can imagine.. we were all beyond happy to come home!

Last week we had bible school, have I blogged about our new church? With a heavy heart about a month ago we changed churches. Tim got an offer to work with a church where one of his dear friends is the preacher. He has a heart for working with youth, and it felt like a good fit. I very much miss our church family in Fort Deposit, but I know for now that we are in the right place with the right people. Please pray about this new ministry! Bible school was a lot of fun and all of our children (five currently!!) really gained a lot from being there. Cates has not warmed up to her new bible class yet, but I know she will. I praying about it regularly.

Father's Day was also really special. We had dad over the Saturday night before and we grilled out (he actually did the grilling!) and spent time together it was wonderful. Grandmama and Granddaddy joined us as they had done for Mother's Day and they always add fun to our group!

This week we have been home settling into our new normal. I feel sure that I will continue to become more comfortable in my new role working at home.
