Thursday, December 29, 2011

Our lives move so fast lately! Sweet Cates is doing wonderfully! She eats well and is sleeping enough to keep her mama from going crazy. We are madly in love with her and we thank God for her every single day. She has had some reflux problems, but with medicine we are doing so much better! It is hard to believe 8 weeks ago we met her. I go back to work Monday, but it looks like the perfect situation is going to work out for her being taken care of! Answered prayers.

As of yesterday, Tim and I have custody of Andrew! :) We go to work next Thursday to sign adoption papers that we have waited 18 months to sign. I feel like so many of our family and friends have gone down this long road with us. Ups and downs. And I hope each of them know our deep appreciation for their love, support, and prayers. We were truly heard by our creator. Please continue to keep my sweet boy in your prayers.

Tiffany is doing well and we are making college plans! Her grades are good, and she has been accepted everywhere she has applied! We are proud of the honest, hardworking person she is. Thankful God brought her to our lives!

Prayers for me as I leave my girl for the first time Monday.


Monday, November 28, 2011


I have thought a lot about adoption over the last year. I have read blogs of those adopting who I do not know at all, and felt connected to them. And you know out of every story I've read or heard.. adoption was never simple. It was never a flawless process without hiccups. In most of the adoption accounts I'm familiar with there were very hard times. Birth parents changing their decision to put their child up for adoption, judges who didn't understand a families desire to adopt a certain child, incomplete paperwork, and heavy hearts. But you know what I've never read about.. a family who gave up. A family who said helping this baby is too much work. I've read pleads for prayers, I've read of multiple trips overseas, I've read of friends and families pulling together to help see the adoption through. You see it is firmly my belief that people who feel adoption is what their family should do are not those who are faint of heart. They are stubborn. And persistent. And the ones I know have total faith that God will see them through to the very end. I am thankful for the inspiration these families have been to me. I am thankful for the homes they have created and the hearts they are touching. I am thankful for the adoptive parents I know personally and love... aunt tina and uncle stan.. anne marie and elisha.. and for those who I do not know.. but admire.. the black family and the pearces. And I am thankful that through adoption tim and I will be blessed with a son.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I didn't want to blog about court until everything was complete. The court part is over now, outside of the final declaration of adoption. It went well. Much better than I ever could have expected. One of my prayers was that it would not be overly emotional because my heart felt very sensitive. And it wasn't. It was very to the point. Now, I did still cry the entire time.. but mostly just because 15 months of love was laying out before me. It is our prayer that our adoption will be complete by january. I know the only thing that will change is an official piece of paper and my babys last name but it will be such a day of relief for me and for us. Your prayers have meant everything to us. Thank you seems too simple but that is what I am.. truly thankful.

It is also important to update you on our little girl :) On Halloween, we took our first grade to a farm on a field trip. It was so much fun! There were corn mazes and a hay mountain and so many other things! After our field trip Tim and I headed to my regular dr. appt. Our plan was to leave there and take our man trick or treating. I have had perfect blood pressure my whole pregnancy.. but this day it was up. I told them I was sure it was after having 60 6 yr olds at the farm all day! Regardless they sent us to the hospital where my blood work wasn't perfect so I was admitted. I was so sad we couldn't go trick or treating. Thankfully mama and daddy dressed up my little scarecrow and took him around! I spent two nights and on the third day they decided to induce me. They started about 3pm on Wednesday. tim and mama and daddy were with me and about ten o'clock mom and dad started to leave. We haf agreed they'd be back by 6am because nothing was expected to happen until lunchtime. As they were walking out my daddy said..he just didn't want to leave. So they didn't. We had a big labor spend the night party :) all night and morning the nurses told me how textbook we were doing.. her heart rate was perfect.. my blood pressure was perfect.. it was going well. Then that changed. Her heartrate was dropping with my contractions. My blood pressure was dropping too. The Dr came in and said we were leaving right then for a c section. There was no discussion or time to think.. so I cried. When we got to the operating room I was sick even on the operating table. They finally let tim come in and that really helped my feelings. Nothing really hurt and it wasn't long before I heard her crying. They showed her to us and took her to check on her. They told tim he could go with her but he didn't leave me until I told him I was okay. I will always remember that. He didn't leave me. I told him I was fine and he went and took lots of pictures. Then he brought her to me and then took her to show my parents and brother and grandparents and tiffany who were all there waiting :) on Cates first fay of life 20 people came to meet her. Before we left the hospital over 35 people had visited. We felt such love. Since we have been home people from church have come everyday and brought us food. She has already had over 15 home visitors! I want to blog and list each person soon as this blog also serves as a record of our life events. Tiffany loves holding her and Andrew wants to pat and kiss her all the time :) mama took off work all last week to take care of us.. and daddy has come to see her everyday of her life.


Friday, October 7, 2011


I need you to stop, and pray for me. I am not asking in a shy way or an “if you have time way”. I am asking you to stop whatever craziness is going on at this moment, and pray for me. Being 34 weeks pregnant is such an emotional time anyway from what I understand, and on top of that my heart is so vulnerable as court for our sweet man approaches. I honestly sometimes catch myself finding it hard to breathe because I have let worry totally over take me. I know in my heart.. “Be anxious for nothing…” I know in my heart.. “all things work together for good..” For some reason I am not allowing all the promises God has made me and made my sweet boy give me the peace that I need. I am totally without any amount of control in this situation. I am totally at the mercy of those appointed to make decisions for my little guy. But most importantly, I am in the hands of a God that loves our boy even more than I do. And a God who wants what’s best for our boy even more than I am able to.

Pray for the people making decisions for my sweet little boy.

Pray for Tim and the rest of my family.

Pray for my sweet boy.

And please.. pray for me.

Love to you all.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bringing Out The Best..

I am not sure how many of you know that Tim is a football referee. Every Friday night I lose him to the guys on his crew and some high school team somewhere in southish Alabama. If you have never had a close relationship with a referee.. you probably don't quite understand how you look as a fan (not all of you, just to clarify). It has been my experience that most teams decide pretty early on in the game that the refs are out to get them. Maybe they think that it is a personal reason, something that the referees are holding against them from years prior, maybe the refs just plain dont like their school.. whatever it is.. the team you are rooting for is most likely, if not regularly, at least occasionally, viewed by you and your fellow fans as the victim.

When Tim first started refereeing it would hurt my feelings so when people would yell at him. They would criticize the decision that he made, or nag him about something they think he didnt see (and for the record, No, he is not blind. :) )
I would want to fuss back and tell them he was doing the best he could. I mean lets get real honest.. giving up your Friday night for pennies.. it isn't because you want to do a great injustice to a high school team.. its because you love the game.. and you want to be involved. With that said, I am sure he does miss an occasional call and he would probably even tell you in retrospect that he should have done some things differently.. but at the end of the day.. he is doing the very best he can.

I guess the humorous part to me is when referees make calls that benefit your team.. they are brilliant for that moment.. but in the blink of an eye.. when you are penalized.. it is back to.. "where in the world did they find these guys..".

On just Tims crew in past years I have seen the air let out of their tires, grown men follow them to their cars after games wanting to fight, I have seen police escorts for the referres, I have heard hurtful names called, and I guess I say all that to say.. I have seen how being a fan doesnt always bring out the best in people.

And now I will admit, myself included. Growing up in my daddy's house you pretty much had two options.. learn to love watching sports.. or spend alot of time extremely bored. So I learned to love. And Tim now is very thankful to my dad for this result. I have stood in front of the tv in my own home yelling. Yelling at the refs (or umpires), yelling at the coaches, and telling everyone in the room how things "should have been done". Being a fan doesnt always bring out the best in me.

We will add that to be list of things I am working on :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Village.

One of my facebook friends recently made their status about "the village". You know the theoretical village that helps us raise our children. They had a negative view of this "village" that we all referred to. And everyone is totally entitled to their own opinion.. thank goodness.. because if you know me you know I have mine! :)

It did make me think though. It made me think of my children's "village". And I cannot help but smile as I write this :) Our village is full of teachers and preachers and successful business employees. Our village is full of hard workers and overachievers and some of the most selfless people that exist in the world today. Our village is full of praying people, faithful, God fearing people. Our village has a strong history, and a bright future. We are made up of all ages and both genders. We are colorful and beautiful. And my children have been and will be so blessed by this "village" that we are apart of.

Since becoming a foster parent.. literally since the first hour of my first call almost 2.5 years ago.. I have totally understood the concept of "It takes a village to raise a child". We counted on others for baby beds, and toys, and really teaching us how to be parents. Our families are of course a major part of our village, but so is our church family. Bible school teachers, and song leaders, and sweet faces to look up to. All of my children who have been school age have had sweet teachers, and kind principals. Just a total positive experience. I am thankful that my children will not solely count on Tim and I to fulfill every role. I am thankful that we have such a strong "village" to make up for our lackings.

They just show on up.. with that big ole heart.. :)

People keep telling me they are sorry my pregnancy is going how it is. How they hope now I can “enjoy” it. I want you to know that I have really deep down enjoyed it. I guess I should explain why people probably think I am miserable and counting the days until this ends.

Two Sundays ago I wasn’t feeling well. I stayed home from church Sunday night and about the time Tim left something felt very wrong. I tried to call him and dad but they were at church so I just waited. I hurt. Bad hurt. Unbearable. Make you sick to your stomach hurt. I cried. I was sick. It was terrible. When Tim finally came home I knew I needed to go to the ER.. but in case you weren’t aware.. when you go to the ER pregnant.. they are pretty much scared of you. And they don’t do a lot to help you. So I decided that I was going to tough it out through the night. I did not sleep. Tim did not sleep. The pain was unreal. We tried everything. Tylenol. Warm showers. Everything. Nothing made it stop. I called my DR at 8am and they told me they would get back to me “Sometime today”. Well, you know me. I headed on up there. Dad drove me. When I got to the DR they had not called me back. So I went in (after some insisting from dad). My DR was in surgery so they sent me to the OB Triage at the hospital.. kind of an ER just for pregnant ladies.. but the catch is you have to be sent there by your DR. I spent a whole day in there. At the end of the day they told me they were admitting me. After three days of people trying to figure out what to do with me. Three days of me crying in total fear for me and our little girl. I had surgery. The nurse told me it took about an hour and twenty minutes. Our girl was strong and her mama was at least now in the process of healing. I had to have a stent from my kidney on down.. the most painful thing ever. I got it out 7 days later. I was sore 1 more day.. but since I feel like a new person. For almost a week and a half though I was totally out of commission and totally dependent on EVERYONE.

In this whole ordeal my little guy was running about 103 temperature. Mama and Daddy took care of him at night, and Aunt Tina and her family during the day. Grandmamaand Granddaddy took care of Tiffany. Mama came to the hospital after work, and daddy came each chance he got. Tim spent every night. The day of surgery gmom and gdad, Aunt Marinda and Uncle Rick, Mama and Daddy, Tim, and Mr. Ronnie all came to the hospital. It meant so much. When I got home Ms. Mary David, Lauren, Ms. Sharon, Ms. Cindy, Ms. Loretta, Ms. Jewel, and Ms. Julie from church all cooked for me. It was kind of a throw back to that song.. “You find out who your friends are…” I know I am blessed with many more “friends” than just these. But these meant so much to me at such a hard time. I know with our sweet girls delivery less than 10 weeks away we will again be overwhelmed by love and support by the people closest to us. God has blessed us. Blessed us with amazing people to love, and be loved by. I am thankful every single day.

My sweet man continues to be one of my greatest joys. He totally has my heart. Please pray harder now than ever. I will keep you posted but October is the BIG month. So pray, pray, pray. And let me thank you in advance. I know God hears all of us. And I have confidence in our future as a family.

I know this blog was a little boring! I just needed to type it all out for myself. Have a record that I survived it :)

Love to each of you my sweet friends :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So much has gone on lately. I do not know where to start!

Andrew continues to be the love of my life (in one year old form :) ) I ask.. no more like beg.. you to continue to pray for him and for us. God has just worked out everything like only HE can to this point and I pray with total confidence that things will continue to be positive. I thank God every single day for bringing Andrew into my world. If you know him, you know why. He is such a joy. PRAYERS PLEASE!

We are anticipating this sweet baby that is on the way. I will be in my third trimester on Friday. Can you believe that? Time flies. Tim has finished painting her room.. and putting together her furniture. There is still definitely alot of decorating to do.. but he has done all of the man things :) My pregnancy has been such a blessing. Even through morning sickness.. well day sickness.. and hurting and all of those things I have not lost sight of the beautiful thing that is happening to me and for her. As much as I fear the whole birthing process.. and believe me.. it is a major fear.. I cannot wait to see her and hold her and know her. Keep praying that things will go well.. the Dr. has only had great reports about her.. and that is a blessing I count daily.

Tiffany is a senior! Whoa! Its wild. She spent summer at camp at The University of Alabama (Roll Tide).. and she is really in college mode. She is working hard on her ACT score.. and I look forward to seeing where she ends up! She is still working and involved. And I am very proud of where she is.. and who she is.

School has started.. I love being a teacher. Especially to small children. They are funny and loving and I am in such a good place. The only thing that would make being a teacher while pregnant better would be some old school nap time :)

Football season begins Friday night.. and Tim will be back to referreeing and Daddy to working the pressbox.. and Bert to being a real life coach. This is the time of year where mom is my Friday night date. It's fun and I cannot wait for Saturday football! Have I mentioned I hope my children get Tim and Dad and Berts athletic ability?! I would like to remain the only uncoordinated unathletic family member :)

I have worried about so much lately. And you know what? Most of it worked out perfectly. I can see God everyday in my life. I can see Him in the way things work out and the way things get fixed.. and the way things just happen. I am more amazed regularly by my lack of control, and God's total control. Someone's facebook said something like lately.. " Worry does not cure tomorrow, it steals the joy of today". Pretty sure thats right on.

Love. :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Andrew turned one yesterday, and tomorrow will make a beautiful year that I have known him. Super safe to say that he and I figured out this newborn stuff together. When he came I had a baby bed and some formula and some vaguely listened to instructions from the nurse. And look how far we've come :) we've been through colds, and first rolls, and a nurse actually asking me if I was breast feeding this beautiful brown boy. We have laughed and played and been totally blessed. Blessed by grandparents who are madly in love with him, blessed by aunt tina who has selflessly taken him into her home and with her own children helped mold him into the happy bright boy that he is. He has a church family that loves him and so many people praying for his future. He is blessed, but so much more than that, we have been blessed by him.

The little girls have gone to live with siblings. Their new foster mom said we can visit anytime and they could come spend the night as well. I am glad for them and they were excited about being with family. I do miss them but I know with a new baby due in november its best for now.

Tiff will be back from her program next week. It has been quiet around without her and were looking forward to her being home. She will be a senior in a couple weeks. I'm excited about it for her!

The pregnancy is going well. I am still "sick" most days but I've gotten used to it and am really not bothered much by it. Sometimes I do get really tired chasing andrew all day and I try to take advantage of putting my feet up when I can.

Were happy :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

100 Years.

It has been almost 100 years now since I blogged. I am sure that makes me a bad blogger. Forgive me. Moving on!

All of our doctors visits have been super positive. They believe it is a little girl! :) But.. the baby kept its legs crossed the whole visit.. so at this point we still arent sure! We do have another ultrasound tomorrow and we are hoping for confirmation. I had some issues last week, but the Lord took good care and all appears to be going much better. So thankful. Tim is working on painting and getting the baby's room ready. He is so excited and it makes my heart so happy. I already know what a good daddy he can be to those who are not his own, it gives me such confidence in our family's future as he leads us.

Andrew is wonderful. He continues to grow and move and amaze us. He is standing alone now (unsteadily). And constantly learning. He has our hearts and we continue to covet your prayers for his future. So many prayers have been answered to this point and I have faith that the very best will work out.

Tiffany and the little girls are also doing well. Tiffany is at a summer program and having a great time. We only see her on the weekends, and it is giving her a taste of college life. I think it has been very good for her. Senior year will be an exciting time.. and fly by I am sure!

Just a quick life up date from the Croley Crew! I will try to blog again this decade :)

Love to all.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Finally, we trusted.

“For this child I prayed, and God granted me my petition which I asked of Him. Therefore, I have lent him to the Lord; as long as he lives he shall be lent to the Lord.” I Sam 1:27-28

We did pray. And we begged. And we cried. And then finally, we trusted.

I am thankful for the wait I endured to be blessed with my sweet baby.

I am thankful because it gave me time to take care of Andrew. If I had found out about a baby this time last year, or May, or June, or July.. I might not have taken Andrew. I would have thought it was too much. But instead I was totally available to take care of Andrew. And I loved it. I never minded 2am too much, I loved how small he was and how he felt against me. I pray that he will get to be our first child for our lifetime.

I am thankful because it gave me the opportunity to be unselfishly happy for others. I had close friends find out about their own pregnancies while I waited. And you know what? I wasn’t jealous or mean, I was genuinely happy for them. I was excited through their different stages. Sometimes it did make me long for my own experiences, but I was always happy for them. I am glad that I didn’t feel petty jealousy, and I know that is a work the Lord has done on my heart.

I am thankful most of all.. because it gave me an opportunity to really trust God. I guess it was around September I was just totally sad about our lack of success as far as a baby. And Tim wrote me the most beautiful words. Maybe one day he will let me share them with you. But I have never felt so comforted or at peace. God’s time. That is what it all comes down to. God’s time. And I am so thankful for His time. I am so thankful for His ability to know everything, and with that knowledge take perfect care of me. Praise the Lord.

We are almost 11 weeks along now. We saw the baby yesterday. And we heard that strong heart beat. I cried. It was so perfect. I cannot tell you how precious it was. And maybe the wait made it even more special.

God’s perfect time. I am amazed by it, and so thankful for it. Pray for us.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Let Love Lead.

I heard that on the most random show ever.. "let love lead.." but it hit me as so profound. Aren't we better off in almost every situation when we let love lead?

I am better to my husband and children when my actions and reactions are based on my love for them. When I can take time to reflect on my true feelings, and not my temporary ones (anger, disappointment, etc).. I can then handle situations with a greater grace based on a greater love.

I am kinder to others when I let love lead. I am not as tempted to judge, but rather to understand. I am not as tempted to tear down, but rather encourage. I tell Tim all the time what a happier world it would be if we decided in our homes, and our churches, and our jobs to just take time to consider one another's position and rather than feel hurt or negative feelings based on others behaviors.. we could just love them. Not always agree with them. Not always support their decisions. But love them. I guess it goes back to the idea of walking a mile in another person's shoes.

I want my life to demonstrate letting love lead. I want to make a real effort to love other people. Not just people like me. Not just people I understand. Not just people who I am comfortable with. I want to let love lead with everyone. I want love to lead me out of my comfortable areas and into areas where my love is needed.

I hope you too will decide to let love lead :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Have you ever just really thought about someone else.. just really let who they are sink in.. and been totally amazed. Alot of times in the day to day, I see Tim. I see him as who I need to take out the trash, I see him as who I need to coordinate schedules with, I see him as my partner in paying bills and getting by. But sometimes it just hits me who he really is..

He is a selfless, hard working, focused, honest, good man. He works hard every day for our family.

Yes, he goes to a 7-4 job that is often times 7-7 or called in the middle of the night.. but that isnt even where his work begins. He works with the youth at our church. He is honestly committed to the belief that they have the brightest futures if they invest totally in God. He spends much time preparing lessons and planning events. But I would say.. that is not even where his work begins. I see his hard work in helping two little girls get dressed every morning. I see his hard work in rocking a baby to sleep at night. I see his hard work in parenting a teenager to the best of his ability. I see his hard work in making time to make me regularly feel valued. He takes out trash, and washes clothes, and feeds dogs, and is often times everything to everyone. And very seldom do I see people really stop to see how they can lighten his load.. and I dont think he even notices.

He is selfless. Alot of people have told me they would be foster parents if their partners would agree. And I totally get that. Men think differently than we do. Men view things differently than we do. And alot of times their hestitation is needed. And if they have reservations about taking on the role, that should be taken seriously. It has to be something both people are totally sold out to. I totally believe that. With all that said, Tim didn't hesitate. He didn't look for ways out. He saw a need. He wanted to be a cure to the problem. Tim and I decided early on we didn't want to be people who dwelled on problems, we wanted to fix them. And I love that early in our marriage before we were set in our ways, we decided to make a difference. And sometimes lost under the stacks of clothes and piles of homework I wonder about what life with just us would be like. And selfishly I guess sometimes I dream of every night as a date night and every morning as one where we could sleep late.. but then it hits me.. I would not want to be doing anything other than what we are doing right now. And there is no one I could hope to be more of a partner than Tim.

He isn't perfect. Sometimes hes a bed hog. Sometimes I feel like the ballgame will never end! Sometimes I think he is being a little poutish. Sometimes I want him to freak out over something that he totally remains calm about. Sometimes we fuss. Sometimes we have different parenting styles. But he is honestly, the best person I know. He has the most sincere desire to do good, and to be good. And he inspires that in me.

So today on Tim's birthday.. I see him. I see him for the amazing man that he is. And I am thankful.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Just Trust.

I have a confession. I let worry rule my life. I let it keep me from sleeping sometimes. I let it keep me from enjoying precious moments at times. I let it keep me from trusting God the way I am supposed to. People say worry does no good. They are absolutely right. I cannot tell you one problem I have had solved by my worrying. Now, I can tell you about time wasted, I can tell you about energy not spent in a productive way. But for some reason.. worry is hard to lose. I talk to myself constantly about trusting. Tim reminds me of scriptures. And still I let it control me. Pray that I can let go and let God!! I mean how beautiful would it be to live with total trust in God and total peace knowing He is in control. What a relief it would be to realize that I do not have to worry about things, try to control everything, feel totally responsible for everything, because there is someone who loves me more than any earthly person who is working things out for me.

I have so much to work on. I want to start with worry. I want to start with ridding my life of it. I want to start by finding that peace that is promised through trust. I would appreciate your prayers that I do overcome my worry problem. And prayers that God will just work out all of my concerns, and prayers that I will let go.. and let God.

Tim and I are having lots of company this weekend! We are going to keep two little girls for another foster mom. Respite it is officially called. They are our little girls age so it should be like one big slumber party! Chris also called Tim earlier in the week and asked if he could come for the weekend. Of course, we said yes! Altogether that is seven children (unless mom and dad take Andrew like they love to do! ). I am sure it will be a lot of fun.. and fly by!

Love to all.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tyrese. Let me tell you about him. My first day as a real life teacher with a classroom of my own was january 2008. That was also tyrese's first day at our school. He was put on my role, and I loved him instantly. He was six years old and had already had a difficult life. He touched my heart and I wanted to cure his world. I couldn't totally. But I could make his week days from 7am until 3pm pleasant. And safe. So I tried my best. The next school year after having to move again this time in with an elderly grandmother figure I decided we needed to do more. We started getting him and his younger brother on saturdays and taking them to restaurants and movies. They were some of the first people to see our new house even before we bought it. Tim taught tyrese to do flips off the diving board. Santa visits them at our house.. for 3 yrs now. They are my school children. Their teachers call me with praise or need for correction. We truly love them. And I ask you to pray for them. Pray that they grow up to know Jesus. Pray that they choose right over wrong and that they grow up to be respectful men. Pray for tyrese and david :)

Several people have told me lately they are reading my blog. I am thankful. I don't know if I have ever point blank asked you to consider being foster parents, but please do. There is a need that I cannot even explain. It won't be easy. You will have very little privacy. You will love children who will leave. You will love children who are hard to love. You will be talked about and occasionally you will be really discouraged. Your heart will be broken. But I think pretty quickly you will discover its not about you at all. Your fear of being left brokenhearted will be outweighed by your desire to change a life. Your love for difficult children will flow easily. You won't care what people say, and you will soak up every kind word that comes your way. I struggle with being selfish, and I am continually thankful for the opportunity to live a more selfless life through fostering. I want to stress again the need for you. The real need. If I can answer any questions or help you in anyway.. email me at or find me on facebook! Love to all :) and as always your prayers for our babies are coveted.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What's Different?

Since becoming a “middle mom” as I like to say to avoid always using the sometimes negatively viewed “foster” term.. A lot about me has changed. I thought I would share with you what becoming someone else’s child’s parental figure makes you feel.. maybe becoming a becoming a biological mom has the same effect.. I wouldn’t know yet :)

I really don’t care what you think about me.
Now, that is true to an extent. There was a time that I would do what I thought others wanted from me regardless of how it made me feel. I would put my feelings very last in an effort to be “approved of” by others. That time has passed. I find myself doing more and more things (or less and less things) to preserve my sanity. Because if you don’t live in my house, or you aren’t my immediate family.. your needs have to come second. I want to be happy. I want my children to be happy. I want Tim and my parents and grandparents to be happy. If I have to sacrifice to make that happen, then I gladly will. But I can no longer try to keep EVERYONE happy with me. It isn’ t rational to believe everyone will like you, accept you, approve of you, it isn’t happening.

Knee scrapes, hurt feelings, and understanding that you really deep down matter are a much bigger deal.

I am super sensitive. But I will admit that when watching mothers when their children—to an extent I have thought a lot of them were a little dramatic. I mean is the fact that your child tripped really a big deal? Is it that terrible that they didn’t get the color sucker they wanted? Do you really have to tell them how special they are every five minutes? And I know now.. the answer is yes. That knee might not hurt that much.. but pride is hurt.. and a little fear about falling again is involved. The sucker color isn’t major, but the fact that they haven’t napped or eaten on time in two days plays a part—so at this point—yes, we need a red sucker. And I catch myself making sure my children know that I love them constantly. It’s not that I think they will forget if I don’t tell them constantly—but I think there is a lot to say for really knowing that someone loves you without exceptions all the time.

It’s okay. Stare.

To see the way people look at us sometimes is priceless. I have come to love it. They stare. I smile. They give a rude look. I smile. They whisper. I smile. If you haven’t seen our current family. We don’t all look the same. Some of us are a beautiful brown color, some of us have been hitting the tanning bed, and the rest of us are plain ole white. Sometimes when people talk about us my mom or grandmom want us to go to them and explain. I just don’t. I don’t think that it matters, and I think that the whole world could stand being a little more tolerant. If I get to help teach that lesson, I am happy to do it. Let’s be real. God made everybody. God loves everybody. I believe that heaven will be as colorful as a rainbow. So its okay, stare.

More to come :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

".. I hear voices all the time."

I love that song. Voices. "Daddy says work that job, but don't work your life away.. Mama telling me to drop some cash in the offering plate on Sunday.."

I am tired. I am frazzled. And I am incredibly happy. Andrew has been sick with RSV for several days now. It has provided us several sleepless nights (one night off – thanks to my daddy pulling overnight sick baby duty!!) But he appears to be on the mend. I could not be more thankful for Aunt Tina keeping him. NO WHERE ELSE could he been more loved or taken care of. What a blessing in our lives. If you haven’t lately, please pray for baby Andrew’s future.. I find the uncertainty weighing extra hard on us lately..

Tiffany was baptized Sunday night. After about a three hour discussion with us Sunday afternoon, she made the decision to give her life to Christ. Tim baptized her, and that was so special to me. He is not her daddy, but he has such confidence in her future.. and such dedication to helping her reach her potential. I believe she fully understands her responsibility to live like Jesus did. Pray for her to be fruitful.

J and M continue to brighten our days! We have seen so much progress with M and raving reviews from so many people who have been working with her for months. J is happy and sings and laughs and loves church!

Tim has been taking me on weekly dates, and it is needed and enjoyed! We are skipping this Friday for Dad’s big birthday bash! But..we are making it up Monday for Valentines Day!

Tim has been preaching some at church to fill in while we look for a new preacher. I love hearing him. He preaches a lot of times just what I need to hear.. about not being selfish.. and not getting hung up on what I have messed up.. but getting up and doing better! His lessons have been current and made me think.. I am thankful everyday that he is my husband.

We are both also doing Scaleback Alabama! It is a statewide 10 week program encouraging people to lose ten pounds.. so far.. its been.. an experience ;)

More soon :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Bigger Picture.

Have you ever thought about that since you were a child God knew who you would be today. It occurred to me not long ago, that when I was a little girl God knew that I would be a wife, teacher, and foster mother. I think back to the ways He prepared me to be exactly who I am today. It is astonishing to me. He is preparing me now for who I will be in years to come. Amazing. It is such a comfort to me to know that on my most hectic days, God knows what’s next.

I have debated about what to say about our recent fostering events. I never want to say too much, but at the same time, I cannot pretend nothing is happening. I have decided to only say that we had a teenage boy live with us for about three months. We loved him, and in our desire for the very best for him we found that we were not it. We will continue to love him and pray for him. I am glad that God brought him into our lives, and I hope that wherever he goes next will prove to be exactly what he needs.

J and M continue to adjust to our home. I will say that other than maybe Grace, it has been the smoothest transition yet. I have never known children with as much need to be really, totally loved as these two precious girls. We see such improvements daily. I am so excited that God is providing us the opportunity to be hands and feet to these sweet babies.

We celebrated Tiffany’s 17th birthday last week. We went to Olive Garden (her choice) on Thursday and had our family over on Sunday for lunch. I think she truly sees how blessed she is. I continue to pray for her desire to be baptized. You pray for her too please

Andrew was 17 lbs at his six month appt! Can you believe when we brought him home from the hospital he was less than 6lbs? Crazy! Everyone who sees him tells me how “juicy” he is.. haha! When it comes to Andrew I am putting total faith in Mark 11:24.

Chris lived with us for about ten months and then went home to his mom. He called us last night and will be coming to spend the night this weekend. I cannot wait to see him and hear how he is doing! I am thankful his mom is so open to us continuing a relationship with him.

Tim and I have started "date nights" which are much needed. It is the plan that each Friday night we will go and have dinner and really just be married for awhile :) I am hoping that it works out each week!

Your prayers are coveted.

--Linds :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

...a full house is a happy house :)

I am proud to announce the arrival of two precious little girls into our home :) J is a sweet 6 year old. She sings non stop and I am excited to say knows all of her letters and sounds.. and can read several words. She is one of the most pleasant people I have ever been around. M is 2. She smiles constantly. When I wake her up in the mornings she hugs and kisses me like seeing me is an event. Thinking about her makes me smile. She also is capable of a fit, and last night she and Andrew decided to have one at the same time. It was slightly overwhelming, but I am sure it will not be the last time that duo gives me a run for my money :) My heart is just really full. I know it's alot of responsibility, but I don't mind it. I like to think the reward always out weighs the work. I am also capable because of my great support system. Mama and daddy love all of the children so much, and Aunt Tina is a constant. Grandparents love them too :) Trina and Mr. Tim are always so welcoming as well! I am thankful daily for the people who love me, Tim, and our babies (and teenagers!!).

School is fantastic and my children are brilliant! I am just really happy.