Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Village.

One of my facebook friends recently made their status about "the village". You know the theoretical village that helps us raise our children. They had a negative view of this "village" that we all referred to. And everyone is totally entitled to their own opinion.. thank goodness.. because if you know me you know I have mine! :)

It did make me think though. It made me think of my children's "village". And I cannot help but smile as I write this :) Our village is full of teachers and preachers and successful business employees. Our village is full of hard workers and overachievers and some of the most selfless people that exist in the world today. Our village is full of praying people, faithful, God fearing people. Our village has a strong history, and a bright future. We are made up of all ages and both genders. We are colorful and beautiful. And my children have been and will be so blessed by this "village" that we are apart of.

Since becoming a foster parent.. literally since the first hour of my first call almost 2.5 years ago.. I have totally understood the concept of "It takes a village to raise a child". We counted on others for baby beds, and toys, and really teaching us how to be parents. Our families are of course a major part of our village, but so is our church family. Bible school teachers, and song leaders, and sweet faces to look up to. All of my children who have been school age have had sweet teachers, and kind principals. Just a total positive experience. I am thankful that my children will not solely count on Tim and I to fulfill every role. I am thankful that we have such a strong "village" to make up for our lackings.

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