Wednesday, January 5, 2011

...a full house is a happy house :)

I am proud to announce the arrival of two precious little girls into our home :) J is a sweet 6 year old. She sings non stop and I am excited to say knows all of her letters and sounds.. and can read several words. She is one of the most pleasant people I have ever been around. M is 2. She smiles constantly. When I wake her up in the mornings she hugs and kisses me like seeing me is an event. Thinking about her makes me smile. She also is capable of a fit, and last night she and Andrew decided to have one at the same time. It was slightly overwhelming, but I am sure it will not be the last time that duo gives me a run for my money :) My heart is just really full. I know it's alot of responsibility, but I don't mind it. I like to think the reward always out weighs the work. I am also capable because of my great support system. Mama and daddy love all of the children so much, and Aunt Tina is a constant. Grandparents love them too :) Trina and Mr. Tim are always so welcoming as well! I am thankful daily for the people who love me, Tim, and our babies (and teenagers!!).

School is fantastic and my children are brilliant! I am just really happy.

2 little notes:

Amy Pinney said...

Aww Lindsey that's awesome! I really have to tell you how incredibly amazing you and Tim are for opening your hearts to these's nothing short of awesome :). Just remember to breathe!! :D

Kimberly Washer said...

Hi!!! I just found your blog and let me just say that I have read every single post!! It was nice to getting to catch up on your last couple of years! That's why bloggig is so wonderful! I love that you and Tim are foster parents. So, if I have my calculations correct you have 5 kids in the house now? Wow!! I'm so glad you are doing great and great things! Miss you and love you. If you ever have a chance (I know you're busy) check out my blog Love you!

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