Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Finally, we trusted.

“For this child I prayed, and God granted me my petition which I asked of Him. Therefore, I have lent him to the Lord; as long as he lives he shall be lent to the Lord.” I Sam 1:27-28

We did pray. And we begged. And we cried. And then finally, we trusted.

I am thankful for the wait I endured to be blessed with my sweet baby.

I am thankful because it gave me time to take care of Andrew. If I had found out about a baby this time last year, or May, or June, or July.. I might not have taken Andrew. I would have thought it was too much. But instead I was totally available to take care of Andrew. And I loved it. I never minded 2am too much, I loved how small he was and how he felt against me. I pray that he will get to be our first child for our lifetime.

I am thankful because it gave me the opportunity to be unselfishly happy for others. I had close friends find out about their own pregnancies while I waited. And you know what? I wasn’t jealous or mean, I was genuinely happy for them. I was excited through their different stages. Sometimes it did make me long for my own experiences, but I was always happy for them. I am glad that I didn’t feel petty jealousy, and I know that is a work the Lord has done on my heart.

I am thankful most of all.. because it gave me an opportunity to really trust God. I guess it was around September I was just totally sad about our lack of success as far as a baby. And Tim wrote me the most beautiful words. Maybe one day he will let me share them with you. But I have never felt so comforted or at peace. God’s time. That is what it all comes down to. God’s time. And I am so thankful for His time. I am so thankful for His ability to know everything, and with that knowledge take perfect care of me. Praise the Lord.

We are almost 11 weeks along now. We saw the baby yesterday. And we heard that strong heart beat. I cried. It was so perfect. I cannot tell you how precious it was. And maybe the wait made it even more special.

God’s perfect time. I am amazed by it, and so thankful for it. Pray for us.

5 little notes:

Kimberly Washer said...

Congrats!! So excited for you guys!!

Brittany said...

I'm so happy for you Lindsey! You guys have touched so many lives and now, someone is about to touch yours in ways you never imagined possible! This little angel is going to be so blessed to have such loving Christian parents like you guys!

katie said...

Yay Lindsey! Congratulations!! So happy for you =)

Noelle said...

I'm so happy for y'all. I didn't realize that you were going through a difficult time. I have a very close friend who has been trying for almost 3 years. I am so inspired by those of you who remain positive and trust in God. I really struglled with that last year when I was having pregnancy complications. Y'all are great parents and I know you can't wait to add to your family. Love you girl!

The Hatfield Family said...

Lindsey, I am so happy for you guys and I will keep you all in my prayers. After dealing with infertility for 3 years before becoming a mother I completely understand all the emotions involved. And let me tell you, having been through this experience, I cherish every moment with Savannah. I feel like I am a better mother having gone through this than I would have been. I don't take things for granted when it comes to her. You are right, Gods timing. He does know what he is doing and we just have to trust in him. I look back now at all the things we went through, and even losing one baby, to know that it was all for a reason. We had to go through all of that to become stronger so that we could take care of Savannah and her needs. I know had I not lost our baby that Savannah would never be in our lives. I know that I needed the strengthening to be able to make it through the hard times of having a preemie. That was my reasons. Yours were obviously so that you could be a very special person in so many children's lives and I so admire you for that. Miss and Love you!

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