Monday, November 28, 2011


I have thought a lot about adoption over the last year. I have read blogs of those adopting who I do not know at all, and felt connected to them. And you know out of every story I've read or heard.. adoption was never simple. It was never a flawless process without hiccups. In most of the adoption accounts I'm familiar with there were very hard times. Birth parents changing their decision to put their child up for adoption, judges who didn't understand a families desire to adopt a certain child, incomplete paperwork, and heavy hearts. But you know what I've never read about.. a family who gave up. A family who said helping this baby is too much work. I've read pleads for prayers, I've read of multiple trips overseas, I've read of friends and families pulling together to help see the adoption through. You see it is firmly my belief that people who feel adoption is what their family should do are not those who are faint of heart. They are stubborn. And persistent. And the ones I know have total faith that God will see them through to the very end. I am thankful for the inspiration these families have been to me. I am thankful for the homes they have created and the hearts they are touching. I am thankful for the adoptive parents I know personally and love... aunt tina and uncle stan.. anne marie and elisha.. and for those who I do not know.. but admire.. the black family and the pearces. And I am thankful that through adoption tim and I will be blessed with a son.

2 little notes:

Amy Pinney said...

I'm not an adoptive parent, but I am a recipient of that gift, and I admire my parents so much for it! It took them two years to find my birth mother so they could finalize my adoption....we've never really talked about it, but I hate to imagine the stresses they endured with both my brother and with me and making us their children. So much love...I can only compare it to the love I have for my (biological) kids, but you know both loves! How lucky you are :)) and how lucky both of your beautiful children are!!!!

Linds said...

Thank you.. I know your excited about meeting your sweet boy!

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