Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Dealing With a Bad Day.. and making changes.

Do you have any advice? Is there a sure fire way to recover from a bad day? If there is, share it.

I wouldn't say that I have many bad days. Probably not even my fair share. But when I do as I have lately. How do you get over it?

Lately, I have had some less than lovely days. Days of sickness. Days of disappointment. Days of being overwhelmed. And I have found that while I am not an awesome "bounce backer", I am a pretty good "get thruer". I don't get over hurt feelings super fast, I can't pretend we are fine if we are not, and sometimes there are not enough of me to get it all done.. but I get by.

I don't get by gracefully always. And I certainly don't get by alone. But none the less, I get by. Before I go to bed at night, tasks are complete, people are taken care of, and the world goes on. Before I leave work each day, my room is straight and my mind is prepared for the next day. None of that happens without alot of help from alot of people, but it happens.

But still.. is it enough to feel like you just "get thru" a day? I don't think so. Our days are limited and while they cannot all be filled with enjoyment and peace, I think that most of them should. I realized towards the end of this school year a great need for more "good days". And that meant some changes. I am not good at change, never have been. Change is hard, but I am finding as I get older, change is necessary.

After alot of prayer, and seeking advice from others, Tim and I decided that I would not return to my school next year. It was a hard decision for me for alot of reasons. Financially, it is a leap of faith. Emotionally, it is the only school where I have ever worked. I have put in alot of love, time, blood, sweat, and tears there. I have learned a hundred lessons there, a few of them the hard way. How do you walk away from six years of hard work? It isn't easy. But I know that my primary job on this earth is to be a good mom. I know that you can be a good mom and work 40 hours a week (or more!) my mom proved that. But lately, due to alot of details that are better not blogged about, I wasn't able to be the wife and mother I needed to be and carry the burden that I was at work.

So in three weeks.. I am a stay at home mom. Now I will say, if a dream job comes available, I will take it, but unless that happens.. I will be home with my babies. I have had a job since I was 14! so.. that's almost 15 years. And while I know stay at home moms are offended when what they do is not referred to as a "job", it won't be the job that I am used to. I am used to clocking in and out. I am used to having a boss, and deadlines. It's going to be a big change. One that I would certainly appreciate you praying about!

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