Friday, April 27, 2012


Growing up my parents spent alot of time together. And we did most everything as a family. I remember many car trips singing rounds of.. row, row, row your boat.. and they are sweet memories that I truly cherish. And I guess they were my example.

Tim and I spend alot of time together. On the weekends, if you see one of us you will probably see the other. Sometimes people have smart comments, but I love that we love to be together! Weeks are rushed and weekends are precious to me. It is when I am able to take time to really appreciate us as husband and wife, and a family. I love the fact that he will get up and go to yard sales with me, and I make sure I attend my fair share of ballgames. I just really love being with him. There are days like in all marriages that we have to take a step back, but I can without reservation tell you that Tim is my very best friend. God knew I needed not just a husband, but a friend. And that is truly what He gave me.

I do love friend time. I deeply value girls dinners, and time with mom. My world would be much less colorful without my sweet girlfriends! And I love that he has Friday night football with his friends. I know that those Friday nights mean alot to him. And his hunting (which I just cannot enjoy!!).

But I also really love that we aren't just passing each other in the hallway. I love that we aren't just recounting big events to each other, but sharing them. I love being married. And I love Tim :)

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