Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My daddy :)

My daddy

I know a lot of selfish people. People who just want to do for themselves, have fun, and let other people deal with their own problems. And some days, I am one of those people. It is hard not to be selfish! I am not going to go old school and harp on this day and age, but I do think that more and more people are taught that success is found in making sure that you make yourself happy. And that could not be more wrong. I know that I am happiest when I am doing for someone else. I am happiest when my sacrifice is the greatest. I wish we taught that more. I wish we provided more opportunities for people to feel the true joy that comes from thinking of your self less, and other more.

My daddy is not selfish. He is the most giving person I know.

When Tim and I were first married we started taking up time with two boys in town who needed attention. We have continued to do this as the years have passed. It has gotten harder and harder though to do as much with our own children and obligations. My daddy has picked up the slack for us. He invites them to work with him so they can learn about earning money, he cooks for them, brags on them, and takes them to movies and other fun things! They tell me all the time he is like their granddad! He loves them, and they love him. To think about the two lives he is touching just by being there, and caring, and showing up when a lot of times other people don’t is pretty amazing.

My daddy is ALWAYS there.

I tell him all the time that I need him more as I get older and not less (as he might have hoped!). He helps Tim and I as we work to figure out adult problems/situations. He picks up my children when we need him to. He invites Andrew EVERYWHERE he goes. He is the most present person in our family’s day to day.

He really loves me.

My daddy calls me everyday after work. He comes by every chance he gets. He texts me. He cooks me breakfast some mornings, and brings me lunch some days. He invites us all over for dinner pretty regularly too! He hugs us and kisses us! And I love it when he tells Tim he loves him. Because he really does. It is a wonderful feeling to feel really cherished by someone, and I do by my daddy!!

He’s a worker!!

He has always worked hard at his job and received many accolades along the way. But he works everywhere he goes! He is always working in his yard (or mine!). Helping Bert in the box of whatever sport he is coaching, helping me with school fundraisers or work days. He is always working somewhere for someone! I think that is a lot of the reason I looked for a worker in the man I married. It was what I saw my whole life! 

I love, love, love, love my daddy!

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