Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What if..?

What if we lived out God's desires? What would the world be like?

I have an understanding that we all have different talents. Different abilities. But I also understand that we are real quick to make that our crutch. I could never... I am just not able to... It will negativly impact... What if instead of a thousand excuses why we cant, what if we did?

There would not be a lonely person tonight, because instead of sitting home watching tv, we would visit them. There would not be a hungry person, because instead of hoarding ALL of our food, we'd share it. There would not be an orphan, because we would open our homes.

I am as guilty as anyone. I like to be home in time for Wheel of Fortune (don't judge!). I like to be in bed by 9:00 or 9:30 (again, don't judge!). I like to be inside when it's hot, and snuggled up when it's cold. I love comfort. I love comfort too much. And I think alot of you do too. We have to get out there. We have to stop wanting to live this little white picket fence life with our perfect kids who look just like us, our friends who don't challenge us, and our jobs that consume us.

We have got to step out.

And that means that your house will probably be filled from time to time with all different kinds of people. It might mean that you give away as much as you keep, it might mean that your two thousand dollar vacation is five hundred this year. When we start really living and really giving and really being who God wants us to be, for most of us, our lives will look totally different.

Join me. Step out. Miss Wheel of Fortune. Visit someone lonely or discouraged. Babysit for a couple who needs a break. Share your possessions with people who need them far worse than you do. Open your home to strangers, and love them.

We can do it. We can live like Jesus. Let's start.

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