Monday, March 1, 2010

Blog Stealer.

I wish I could blog more often. It is a nice way to put out there what you think, how you feel. Something about saying things, makes them easier to deal with. I think it is healthy this blogging thing. I recommend it to my non-blogging friends :)

My topics are sometimes inspired by other people's blogs. Today is one of those days. I want to tell you about some people who have changed my world. I love them, and if you knew them you would too.

Let's start with Mom and Dad. Growing up I didn't see the sacrifices they were making for me. Looking back now, I am so grateful. Grateful that they worked so hard to send us to Fort Dale. Grateful that they taught me to grow up and be a respectable person. Growing up my mom would always say.. "It is my job to make sure that you grow up to be a respectful, responsible person." She set that expectation. And I have worked most of my life to be just that. My mom taught me how to manage family and work. She was always a great balancer. Being a stay-at home mom is awesome. I am happy for ALL of those who are. But.. I just don't think as longa s I am blessed with a job I could ever be. I enjoy activity. I enjoy being busy. I never felt slighted that my mom worked, the opposite really. I always felt really proud of her. Still to this day, I am really proud of her.. I do hope she decides to be a stay-at home Gradma though! :) She made me who I am today. I am thankful that I am her daughter. My dad is the most selfless man that I have ever known. Rarely is it about him, rarely does he ask for anything. But he is constantly seeing what he can do for us. How he can help us. How he can make our lives simpler, and happier. I cannot tell you how often I think about him, how often I am thankful for him. I cannot tell you how much he brings to my life through advice, love, and dedication to me.. and my growing, changing family :)

My grandparents are also amazing people. They have filled our family with timeless traditons, memories, and love. They have created a family that is loyal and loving. They have worked hard their entire lives, not for themselves but to take care of their children.. and later to be able to share with their grandchildren. They are the most God-honoring people that I know. I strive to have the discipline, and faithfulness to God that they exhibit. They have helped teach me to be giving and trusting. I am better for knowing them. I pray that God will continue to take care of them, and bless them.

Tim! I started dating Tim almost seven years ago. Can you believe that? Seven years. And Tim was a patient man. We took things sooo slowly.. my friends were planning their weddings six months in.. and we had barely held hands! :) We dated almost five years before we got married, because he understood how important it was to me to have my college degree first. And he continues to show his patience as he works with me as a foster parent. He loves me first, but there is no doubt in my mind that he loves me more than anything else on this earth. He takes care of me. He loves me. He forgives me. He counts on me, and has never let me down. I stop to think how blessed I am to have him as my husband, and feel overwhelmed sometimes. God really did help me find just the right man :)

These are just the beginning of my list.. more to come later!

And thanks Leigh for the idea.. I enjoyed stealing it! :)

2 little notes:

Leigh said...

Awww...I was wondering at first if it was from mine but it makes me feel good you read it!!! I love you Linds and those people are LUCKY to have you in their lives too!!! :)

Kimberly. said...

Thanks for sharing. I loved it!

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